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Ex = Galtons scale of scientific racial values Ori-ire a Yoruba term that means one whose consciousness is aligned with ones destiny Parham believed

Ex = Galtons scale of scientific racial values Ori-ire a Yoruba term that means one whose consciousness is aligned with ones destiny Parham believed this concept could help us to realize a greater awareness of our gifts as healers and the proper purpose of our gifts Maafa a term popularized by Marimba Ani that represented a great disaster of death and destruction that is beyond human comprehension and convention Sankofa the principle that we are able to go back and get the African essence and go forward into the future; implores black psychologists to understand the role of healer was to go back and capture the essence of African life and culture sakhu meant understanding, illumination, the eye, the soul of being, hence psychology should be the study of the human spirit of the study of human illumination trapitomania example of a conceptual limitation; people thought blacks were happy to be enslaved; when slaves ran away, they were said to have this disorder; white justification for e

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