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Examine the following areas within our criminal justice system and select one of these topics as the basis of the research paper. The topics are meant to provide an axis or direction to for you to exp

Examine the following areas within our criminal justice system and select one of these topics as the basis of the research paper. The topics are meant to provide an axis or direction to for you to explore in your research.  

Juvenile justice system

  • Explain the history and different stages of the juvenile justice system
  • What exactly is police discretion and how influential is it concerning the decision to arrest a juvenile?
  • What are the laws constraining police in searches and seizures of juvenile suspects?
  • Describe the alternative dispositions available to the juvenile court.
  • Explain the waivers by which a juvenile from juvenile to criminal court for prosecution as an adult

Criminal Justice and Policing

  • Identify and correlate the various theories in policing
  • Examine the various policing approaches currently being used in law enforcement
  • Agencies along with traditional policing, to include community policing, problem-solving policing, intelligence-led policing, and evidence-based policing, among others.

Explain how, as a supervisor or manager in law enforcement, you would lead your agency in contemporary policing approaches.

Criminological theories:  How they work in today’s law enforcement

A strong theoretical infrastructure is vital in the discipline of criminal justice.  Theoretical research support all facets of our criminal justice system, to include academics, students, and learned practitioners as well.  Many decisions and established laws derived from a theoretical lens, and disciplined review.  Criminal justice theory is essential in examining the why of criminal justice behavior and to bring about substantive change in our criminal justice system.  

  • What are the varieties of criminological theories relative toward the causation of crime.  Be specific in your explanation of each theory.
  • Identify and explain the theories that you believe are influential in enhancing or deterring recidivism.

This week, your title page and abstract are due. Submit a title page and a 250-word abstract on your topic for your final paper. It should be from a current and relative criminal justice issue. In the abstract, explain the issue and discuss briefly how the issue is handled in the criminal justice system. Ensure you comply with APA requirements and include all components necessary for an abstract.

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