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Exercise 2. how to write: TCP client and server socket program (you can modify the program discussed in class) to echo the messages.

Exercise 2. how to write: TCP client and server socket program (you can modify the program discussed in class) to echo the messages. The client should send "CS132/EECS148-ComputerNetwork" to the server. Once the server receives this message, it should echo it (send the message back) to the client.

1. Use Wireshark with appropriate filter to capture all the packets exchanged for this TCP session (start- ing from the TCP connection setup to the connection termination). Also, provide a screenshot of the Wireshark output showing all the packets.

2. How many packets are exchanged in total?

3. Briefly explain the captured packets (packet types, flag set, payload size, header size, IP addresses, MAC addresses, source socket, destination socket, etc.)

4. Pick any one TCP packet from the captured list and provide a detail description of that packet explain- ing the fields in TCP header, IP header, Ethernet frame header and payload. Provide proper reasoning on your observations about these field values. You should also provide a screenshot of that packet with details.

Exercise 3. Perform Exercise 2 using UDP.

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