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Explain what the play-within-the-play's effect is on King Claudius. Support your response with at least three quotes from Claudius that reveal what he is thinking after seeing the play. Hamlet has an

Explain what the play-within-the-play's effect is on King Claudius. 

Support your response with at least three quotes from Claudius that reveal what he is thinking after seeing the play.

Hamlet has an opportunity in Act III to kill Claudius, but he passes it up.  Why?

Explain and support your answer with at least two quotes from text.

At the end of Act III, Hamlet asks Gertrude to do three things.  In your own words, explain what Ha

Throughout the play, there is MUCH deception.

Hamlet, Polonius, Claudius, Ophelia, and Laertes are all deceptive.

Write an explanation of which of the five characters were most deceptive, ranking them in order with #1 being the most deceptive and #5 being the least deceptive.

Explain each of your rankings and support each ranking with at least two quotes from the text

Your task here is to write a poem as an obituary for one of the following characters: Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Laertes, Gertrude, Claudius, or Hamlet.

Your poem as an obituary should be a minimal 16 lines and rhyme.  Give it an original title. 

Be sure to incorporate at least three instances from text into your poem.  Mind you, you don't have to literally pull out lines from the play, but you do need to refer to the character's role in the overall plot.

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