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Explain why the following statement is incorrect. Plants perform photosynthesis, but only animals perform cellular respiration. Consider cellular...

  1. Explain why the following statement is incorrect.  Plants perform photosynthesis, but only animals perform cellular respiration.
  2. Consider cellular respiration. Explain what happens to the carbon atoms found in the glucose molecule throughout cellular respiration, to the very end of the process.
  3. Metabolism is the total of all the chemical reactions that take place in a living organism. Explain how three different groups of foods are used in cellular respiration.
  4. How is ATP linked to the process of cellular respiration?
  5. Explain how muscles chemically cope with extended exercise and what process is used.
1. Explain why the following statement is incorrect. Plants perform photosynthesis, but only animals performcellular respiration.Cellular respiration is the process in which a cell uses oxygen to...
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