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Failed Collaboration Report - Business Organizational Behavior Term Project Please read the file provided for detailed instructions including format. It is for a third year business and management TER

Failed Collaboration Report - Business Organizational Behavior Term Project Please read the file provided for detailed instructions including format. It is for a third year business and management


Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Identify a Failed Collaboration with Significant Issues/Stakes

Identify a specific case of collaboration failure for an in-depth analysis. The case may be from published materials (e.g., books, magazines, and newspapers) or from the company that you have worked for. This case should involve significant issues and important stakes for the company involved. For example, the case could be about:

failed mergers and acquisitions

failed joint venture

companies' unsuccessful collaboration/interaction with external stakeholder groups (e.g., local community, consumers, media, government, or business partners) - NOT INDIVIDULE LEVEL COLLABORATION

Step 2: Analyze the Case of a Failed Collaboration

This case should be analyzed by the concepts, models, and theories presented in the textbook, assigned readings, and lectures. Like a literature review.

Step 3: Prepare a Report of the Case of a Failed Collaboration

The following format should be followed:

Briefly describe the background of the case. 

Apply the relevant OB concepts and theories to identify and explain the issues/problems that triggered the failure of the collaboration. Provide a diagnosis of the causes of these issues/problems. 

Suggest how the issues/problems can be handled in a more effective way. Provide explanations and justifications for your recommendations. 

The analysis should demonstrate a sound knowledge of OB-related concepts, theories, skills, and illustrate how that knowledge can be effectively applied to addressing real-world collaboration issues/problems.

Evaluation Criteria for Term Project 

The project report will be assessed based on the following criteria:

Major problems identified effectively (20) 

Correct usage of Organizational Behaviour concepts and theories (20)

Relationship of problems to recommendations demonstrated (20)

Quality/effectiveness of recommendations (Does this mean recommendations that demonstrate your sound application of the OB –related concepts, theories etc.?) (20)

Explanations and justifications for your recommendations (20) 


Font: Twelve points, Times New Roman 

Margin: One-inch margin on all four sides 

Space: Double space 

Reference: Must provide sources of all citations. Sources should be reported following NEW APA style. 

Length: No more than seven pages, not including references and cover page.

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********* ********** *** ***** ************************* ** The *********************************** ************ ******* ** ********** *** ***** CollaborationBackgroundFast-food *********** ** *** United ****** ***** ******* ****** ***** **** ******* as * ****** **** **** ********* ** **** **** *** worried ***** *** ******* ** the ******* **** ** ***** ***** ********* who ******** McDonald's would ****** if *** ******* ** **** they ******** had been changed ******************** Heinz ketchup **** ****** ** McDonald's *** ** ***** ** ************ ** *** HJ ***** ******* **** Heinz a privately ***** ******* ********** *** ********** **** all of **** changed ******* Hees was *** *** *** ** ****** **** Worldwide *** when ** joined *** **** He ********** ****** for a ********** rival(Aalseth etal ***** *** ************* ****** executives recognized this ** * ********* ****** ** their company As * *********** of *** ********* ********** changes ********** *** ****** the selling ** ***** ******** ** *** restaurants ******************** ******* new *** ** a *** ** *** Whopper in the **** ****** that Burger King's prior *** was ******* *** ***** links **** *********** ************* *********** *** ********* ********* McDonald's ********** *** ******* ***** *** ****** ************* **** ******** *** ** ***** ****** ****** ** go ********* *** ******* When Warren Buffet's investment firm ********* ******** bought **** * ********** ** ** ******* ********** LLC *** ******** *** taken ** **** ** Hees CEO As * *********** ** *** ********* ********* ** ****** King ********** **** **** ** **** ********* to ******* **** Burger ****** ******** ***** McDonald's made steps ** ****** that *** ****** **** ************** throughout the **** away from the ******* *********** Causes ** ******* ** Mcdonald's And ***** **************** ********** of * firm as **** ** *** ********* ** increase ********** **** *** ******* ** the ********* ********** **** ** ********* * ********* ********** ethical behavior ****** ** **************** ***** ideals is ********* ******** ***** **** is right *** wrong in *** ***** *** ** *** ***** ** ******* ****** **** * ******* ****** it ** ***** ** balance *** ******** and ********* ** many options ** ***** ** assist ** *** selection ** ********** conduct ******** ******* characteristics **** ** speed **** thoroughness *** ******** *** **** to ****** a ********* ******** ******* efforts *** management team *** *** ********** ******** to ******** ******** performance *** ********* ******* ** not they *** ******** ** ********** goalsCollaboration ***** ****** ** ********* *** successful coalitions between ********** *********** ** ****** * ****** ** hurdles **** first ** overcome ** order ** ******* *** ******* ******** *** ************* ******** **** **** ***** staff ** *********** ** order ** ******** ************ *** ********* obscurity (Salz ***** *********** ******* and management ********** ********** are ********** ** keep ** **** *** needs ** ******* ********** **** ********** with an ************* ******** ** work *************** millennials tend ** ***** ** ********** ********** ** ******* **** ******* * ********* spat **** ***** **** lasted *** months ******************** When ***** was ***** ** created problems **** *** ******* to *** attitude ** *********** **** characterized *** ********** culture ** the timeEmployees **** ******* *** ****** **** *** ******* ** ***** *** *** ***** ** ******* well ***** ***** The process ** ******** * *** **** *** ** ************** due ** the **** ** ***** together * ****** group ** people **** a ************ *********** ** ***** on their own ******** ********** a misleading picture of **** ** ****** ****** are ******** ** return to ******** in * ***** amount of time **** a **** possibility ** *********** worker ********* ***** a lengthy ****** ** ********* ******* ***** *** McDonald the ****** of **** * fast **** ******** ******* *** ***** ** *** an *** ** *** ****** ******* *** ***** **** *** expected ** be received as * consequence of ********** *********** **** ***** on *** other hand ***** ******* ******* **** **** ** form ***** ****** ******** *** ********* *** ********* ******* ***** ******* a **** ******** understanding ** the ************** ******* **** will also be ********* **** *** ****** and the ******* ** ***** effortsEmployees' views and reactions ** ***** environment may ** ******** ******** ** *** structure *** ********* ** ***** ******* ***** *** be ******* ***** ***** **** ************ **** * *********** *** recruited however the ******** ****** ** ********* neglected ** ignored The ************ ****** ** * ***** management ******** for ********* **** *********** ***** ** aids ** *** ************* ** specific and difficult-to-attain ******* These ***** for example ***** *** ****** ********* to *** **** while **** encouraging **** ** continue in ***** attempts ** *** *** ** ****** **** Heinz's hiring of Mr **** *** **** * successMr ***** *********** ** *** ***** **** *** ** ********** ****** ** McDonald's bottom ********** ** ********** positions *** ************ ********* **** * ***** ******* **** *** acquainted **** the ************ ** *** industry in ***** **** ******* **** are not ******* to ******* *** ****** ******** ** *** ********* ****** *********************** ********* *** the *********** and ****** they **** ** ******* *** ******** and **** building(Aalseth **** ***** ******* advantage of agile event planning ** *** ******* to quickly ***** deploy *** ******* ***** ** Hees *** ********* **** a competitor ** ***** ********** *** company's incapacity to **** ****** ******** *** *********** ** *** ************ *********** ******* *** ** **** ** learn ***** *** reasons why ****** leave ** join * ************ **** ** ********** competitive ****************** **** ***** Employees *** **** ***** *********** ** **** ** * ******** ************** have ****** ** **** ** most ************* ****** *** ******* company ** ** ******* ******* *** ****** ********* ********** of * higher *** *** be ******** ** ****** whether ** *** ** applicant ** *********** ********** ****** ***** ** the ***** of a candidate's ****** *** ******** during ********** ** order ** ******* their ********** *** ****** ** Hees's employment *** **** ******** ** ******* ******** on * shareholder's ********* throughout the ****** process In this ******** **** ********** ************* *** a *********** ***** ** ******** ************* *** ***** ****** **** **** ********* and handled ** ******* ** ********** a ************ workforce ** ***** sought after *** reason *** ******* * ******* ********** ****** be communicated to ********* *** hires (wwwsmartrecruiterscom) Your ******* firm ****** have * *********** ********* ** ***** Any sensible ******** ***** follow this legal responsibility ** order to ***** working ******* *** ********* ** their ****** employer(Aalseth **** ***** **** prevents their former ******** from pursuing legal ****** ******* **** since it addresses ethical ******** that *** **** a detrimental influence on ***** future ****** In **** part ** **** examine how a ******** ******** goes ** * *** **** in ***** ** ******* * competitor's customer ***** ***** ******** ***** ******** jobs **** ********** Mr Hees **** ****** King *** ************ for ***** to divert ********** ******* customers **** from ******* ******* In ******** ** Burger ****** success McDonald's *** ********* ** ******* a viable ******** ************************** *** ******* ******* ********* **** **** company was started in 1940 *** ********* ** thrive today ***** *** ****** 34000 locations worldwide *** *** corporation ****** ** million ********* ** *** ********* McDonald's has ********* $546 ******* ** global ***** ** **** *** ******* **** 18 ******* ****** ******************* ** ********** *** ***** Coca-Cola ******** ** **** ** ***** ******* ** ***** ******* *** ***** ********* ** *** **** McDonald's **** ** longer use ***** ketchup ** ** ******* ** **** For **** **** ** years ********** *** ****** ********** *** ***** **** ***** ketchup in *** countries ****** *** world From now on Hunt's ******* **** ** required McDonald's **** **** ****** ** *** menu items ** ******** ** ****** ****** at ** ***** ** ** Heinz ** *** ****** ******* **** year *** $173 ******* by ** ******* a subsidiary of ****** Buffett's ********* ******** ****** **** ** ***** ** HJ ***** Co * Brazilian firm(v etal 2018) ** a result ******* **** *** ********* ** the **** CEO ** *** HJ ***** ******* *** ** ***** ** *** one ** **** **** *** ************** ********** *** *** and ******** ** Burger **** * ********* ********** **** ******** **** ********** runs *** ******* ***** ************** **** ****** to be completed ******* to *********** *** commercial ******** ******* ********** *** ** ***** ** ** * ****** ********** ***** *** *********** with ** ***** Co * **** ***** ******* why ********** uses ****** ketchup rather than HJ ***** ******* and **** * **** *** *** Law ** ****** ** ******* *** every ******** is ******** ** spend * ********** ***** *** the **** **** want **** ******************* ** a ****** ********* in *** United ****** ****** ****** over ***** ******* although ****** ** ********** ****** the ******* *** ** ***** ** many residents of the ***** ***** ** **** well-known in *** ******* ********* *** ***************** **** ***** ** contrast ** ***** ******* which ** ******** **** ********** ********* Hunt's ******* ** **** with ******* ******** according to ***** Changes ** *** ********** recipe that **** ******** *********** **** *** ** ********* ** *** ********* sales ***** ** the ****** ****** rose ** ** **** the ******** **** ******* ***** in ****** ********* ** **** *** **** *** previous **** ***** ** ************ *** ****** East *** ****** **** by 14 ******* ******** ** *** **** ****** in *********** ********** ****** **** ********* would *** ****** any ********** the ******** plans ** ****** *** ******* ***** *************** ******* ********* the publicRecommendationTo be ********* ******** ************* **** be mutually beneficial ** all ******* ******** Organizations ****** ** ******** to ******* *** difficulties **** arise ********** *** ****** of * *********** ************ and ******** on *** exact ********* and abilities ******** *** *** ************* ** critical ** *** ************* etal ***** ** ** ********** **** * ********** workplace **** ******* to ******** ******* ** ********* ********* such as ********** if the ************* **** ***** Economic *********** is ****** ** **** ****** and *** precise ********** ********* ** ******* ****** benefit **** ** ********** ** *** ******* ******* ** ********* **** ********************** *************** processes ****** cooperating ******** might ****** in ************* *** misunderstandings" **** is because ********* *** **** ******* *** concurrence ** the other ***** ********* ** ********* ******* the *** ******* ** shared ****** To ***** **** ************* should avoid ******** ***** ********** *** ******* **** ********** **** outsiders ** ** ******** ** establish *** ****** ******* ****** ********** *** ***************** *********** ** ******** teams **** a diverse ***** ** ********* ******* ********* ************* ** ** assured ** * result more ********* ******** *** therefore **** successful ******* *** ******** **** parties should ******** ********* in areas ***** education and **** ***** make * ******************** ********** *** Heinz's ******** ************ *** not **** out Failure ******** ** * result of an ************* to ****** ***** ******************** **** 2016) A competitive ********** ********* ***** **** made ** easier for Heinz's CEO ** find *** ****** ******** as **** ** remedy ************ ** order ** ******* both ****** ***** ********* in ***** partnership with ********** ******* **** ******* ***** **** **** ******* if ********* were ********* throughout the ****** ******* based ** *** **** **** would *** ** **** **** organizations ReferenceAalseth * * Abgrall * ****** * ***** * * ***** * Arnquist * * ***** ******** ************* ****** Search *** ************ ********* ***** ** ** ** **** *** majorana demonstrator Physical ****** ******* 120(13) *********** * ******** K ********* * ******** * **** * * ******* * & ****** * ****** *********** road ******* ***** *** **** depressive symptoms after **** years ** ********** ******* **** *** ***** Nixdorf ****** ***** ************* ****** ************ ****** *********** *** * ****** ******* Heinz *** ****** *** ***** ******** ** ****** **** *********************** ** ************************************************************************

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