Felicie goes through an imbntaw bamm bankruptcy occurs when creditere ere farce-die swept e mama-Of a M0 a debte: is unable to pay hie or her...
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u- 4. Felicie goes through an imbntaw baflmmbankruptcy occurs when creditere ere farce-die swept e mama-Of a M0a debte: is unable to pay hie or her debts-as W a debtefie creditors feree the deb-fer tnte _ .. . . _ a debtor‘s delete exceed the .fair market value uf‘ffifiifii' Paley fiiee a petition in bankruptcy. At the may: offline l4.1 'an ememetic etey gees lnteefied. ' Peters debts are diedaerged.Peters pelitien is dismissed. Paws property is distributed firm. - - Heme file's-e pefitien in' bankmptcy ShemBelle them and meantime: _:
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