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Film & Theater studies

watch the french film Made In France directed by Nicolas Boukhrief, and then Write a critical essay that looks at a French or Francophone film in depth. but must still relate to a larger theme encountered in the materials. ind at least 5 secondary sources that support your argument or shape your project. Create a bibliography in MLA format that lists your sources.

watch the french film Made In France directed by Nicolas Boukhrief, and then Write a critical essay that looks at a French or Francophone film in depth. but must still relate to a larger theme encountered in the materials. ind at least 5 secondary sources that support your argument or shape your project. Create a bibliography in MLA format that lists your sources.

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********************** ************ ******** ********* film * ***** for **** ********** ** ****** *************** *** movie ** * **** option ******* ** ****** ***** ****** **** *** **** “Made ** ********* directed ** ******* ********* The **** *** two **** ********** Philippe *** ***** ******** is middle-aged ***** *** dressed ** suit *** has an ***** ***** ** * ****** *** ***** The two ********** ***** *** ****** *** ***** ********** in **** color is ******** ****** *** *** say **** the ***** is ***** ***** ****** *** hero ** **** **** trying to ****** a black ****** Similar ** *** **** ******* ** France” directed ** ******* ********* the ****** *************** forms * ****** *** ********* ******** as * patient *** a ********* ************ *** **** *** **** ********** in *** film ******** ******* it offered information ********* *********** **** *** *** wealthyThe movie starts **** * **** ** police ** the ***** Driss is ******* Philippe **** arrested ***** explains ** the ****** **** Philippe *** ****** stroke *** **** they *** ** get to the ******** The police ****** them to *** ******** **** **** ******* **** ** *** *** ********** *** Nevertheless *** film ******** *** ***** of increased ******** ******* *** *** ********** dependent ** *** ********** ** ***** **** Philippe would change ** ** changes *** stuck-up ********* ** **** as ****** ******** **** immigrants **** ****** **** ********* *** harbor **** ***** ******* *** However ************ ********* continues ** * ****** of ********* ******** ***** *** **** *** ****** and ** ******** ****** some of **** he ***** ** *** ******** ****** ever ***** ** *** ***** ** would ***** ** the *********** ******** ** would ** ********* *** ********** by ********** ****** **** ************* ** would ** happy ****** ************** **** like the **** “Made ** ********* directed by ******* Boukhrief *** film **** ************* ******* some ***** **** ** *** ****** ************ It ** *** ****** *** * **** ** * ********* ** ** limited ** ******* ******* dressing grooming ** **** as ********* ******** ****** the ******* ***** *** ****** *** ******* because ** *** **** ******** ** *** things ** **** ** ** **** ** ******* in the **** *** ***** ** ****** walk The ********* ** this case was **** ** ***** an alternative **** companionship ******* ** ***** not ****** ********* ** ** also ***** ****** that *** **** of ******** passed **** *** *** ******* ******** ** **** *** ******* ****** **** Accordingly ***** is **** ******* ***************** ******* to the film “Made In ****** ******** ** ******* ********* *** **** was successful *** to its ******* ********** *** ******** ****** * character who acts **** *** voice and **** manages ** *********** great feeling Omar is ****** *** ******** The directors **** ******** and ******* ******* **** *** ** Nicolas ********* *** ** ************ ***** **** *** two films ****** ** the *** ** ****** stereotype ********** *********** interesting ***** about *** **** is how the stage directors ******* ** ****** *** ***** ****** ** *** two **** characters ** *** ** prejudices *** stereotypes (Michael 130) *** instance Driss is * ***** person *** ***** ** Paris The ***** depicts that he *** been ** ****** for *** ****** ***** ** *** ***** **** * ******* of ******** ** **** smokes pot regularly *** *** ***** **** *** aunt ** **** as **** ******** ****** Driss *** **** * representative ** ************ culture ****** *** ** ****** ******** ***** prejudice ********** ******** *** the ******** ** ***** ** *** ******* ** * ******* *** ********* ******* attended Opera ********* to classical ***** *** ********* * ******** *********** stereotype is *********** ******* ** the ***** ********** *** people *** ********** **** *** ******* of ******** *** ***** *** ******* ********* **** **** ****** ******* *** ***** **** when **** ******** **** the ******* *** ********** **** **** not ******* ** *** same ***** ** **** ** * ****** **** **** ******* *** ****** *** ********** that **** **** ** *********** ***** *** issue ************* ***** ******** ********* **** ******* ** ***** **** **** *** *** ***** ***** Philippe ****** ******** with **** ******* ******* ** does not **** to receive **** from anyone **** ***** ***** **** *** aspect of ********** ********** *********** to *** **** “Made In France” ******** ** ******* ********* the ***** ******** ********* between Philippe’s ******** ***** *** Driss When ***** **** the ***** he ***** Elisa ****** in *** She ******** **** *** was ****** ******* of * *** (Cohen-Shalev *** *** ******** ***** ***** to take offense ****** because ********* ** *** ** *** **** *** *** ** imply that ** could be **** for ** ******* ******** **** can ** deducted **** **** scenario ** that ***** ******* *** ********* of her depending ** *** she *********** *** ******** ********** *** ******** ***** *** Nevertheless **** the film Made In ********* ******** by ******* ********* *** the ***** depicts cultural *********** between *** characters     Work *********** Vonzell ********* *********** What Movies ***** ***** ***** ********* ************** ******* Record116 ******* ************* ******* * **** ******************** ** bioethical ********** ******* ******************* Amir *** ********** ****** *** insider’s **** ** Alzheimer: ********* ********** ** *** ******** *** personhood"International ******* of ****** *** ***** ****** ******* ************ ******* "Interpreting ************* Competing ***************** in Contemporary ****** Cinema"SubStance431 (2014): **************** ***** ********* Genre **** ** the ****** ********* *** ****** and ************** ********** ******* ***********

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