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FIN351 Week 4 Quiz latest 2106

Question 1. Question :  (TCO 4) The most important feature of municipal bonds is _____.

the wide range of denominations and maturities

that the interest is not taxable by the federal government

the risk-free nature of this investment

its appeal to investors needing growth

Question 2. Question : (TCO 4) For the major bond-rating agencies, the lowest level of an investment grade bond is _____.

AA (investment grade includes AAA and AA)

A (investment grade includes AAA, AA, and A)

BBB (investment grade includes AAA, AA, A, and BBB)

B (investment grade includes AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, and B)

Question 3. Question : (TCO 4) A corporate bond quoted at 108.25 is selling for _____.




None of the above

Question 4. Question : (TCO 4) Assume a $1,000 treasury bill is quoted to pay 7% interest over a three-month period. What will be the price of the treasury bill?





Question 5. Question : (TCO 4) When should an investor calculate both yield to maturity and yield to call?

An investor should calculate both yield to maturity and yield to call whenever there is a call provision.

An investor should calculate both yield to maturity and yield to call when the sum of the present values of the interest payments exceeds the call price.

An investor should calculate both yield to maturity and yield to call when the market price is greater than or equal to the call price.

An investor should calculate both yield to maturity and yield to call whenever the funds can be reinvested.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 4) What will happen to the market value of a bond if interest rates increase?

The market value will decrease.

The market value will increase.

The market value will increase or decrease, depending on the general economic climate.

The market value should remain level.

Question 7. Question : (TCO 4) Short-term interest rates have _____ volatility in comparison to long-term interest rates.

much less



slightly less

Question 8. Question : (TCO 4) The duration of a bond is determined by a combination of the maturity date and value, and _____.

the pattern of coupon payments

the call premium

the put premium

None of the above

Question 9. Question : (TCO 4) Factors which influence the relationship between duration and maturity include all of the following EXCEPT _____.

the face value of the bond

the coupon rate of the bond

the number of years to maturity

None of the above

Question 10. Question : (TCO 4) The duration on an 8%, 25-year bond is _____ the duration on a 9%, 30-year bond.

greater than

less than

equal to

There is not enough information to tell

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******** * ******** : **** ** *** **** ********* ******* ** ********* ***** ** ******

the **** ***** ** denominations *** ***********

**** *** ******** is *** ******* by *** ******* ***********

*** ********* ****** of this ***********

its appeal ** ********* needing *******

Question * ******** * **** 4) *** the ***** *********** agencies *** ****** ***** ** ** ********** ***** bond is _____

** *********** grade ******** *** *** AA)

A *********** grade ******** AAA ** and ***

BBB *********** grade ******** *** ** * and *****

* (investment grade ******** *** ** * *** ** and ***

******** * Question * **** ** * corporate **** ****** ** ***** ** ******* *** ******




**** ** the ******

******** 4 ******** * **** ** Assume a $1000 ******** **** ** ****** to pay ** ******** over a *********** ****** What **** be *** ***** ** *** ******** bill?





Question 5 ******** * **** 4) **** ****** an ******** ********* **** ***** ** ******** *** ***** ** ******

** ******** ****** calculate **** yield ** maturity and ***** to call whenever ***** ** a call **********

** investor ****** calculate both ***** ** ******** *** yield to call when *** *** ** the ******* values ** *** ******** ******** exceeds the call ******

** ******** should ********* **** yield ** maturity *** ***** ** **** **** *** ****** ***** ** ******* **** ** ***** ** *** **** ******

** ******** ****** ********* both ***** ** ******** *** ***** ** **** ******** *** funds *** be reinvested

******** 6 Question * **** 4) What **** happen ** the market ***** ** a **** if ******** ***** increase?

*** ****** ***** will *********

*** ****** value **** increase

*** ****** ***** **** ******** or decrease ********* on *** ******* economic climate

*** ****** value ****** ****** level

Question * Question * **** 4) ********** ******** ***** **** _____ ********** ** ********** ** ********* ******** rates

**** *****



******** *****

******** * Question * (TCO 4) *** duration ** * bond ** ********** ** * combination ** the ******** **** *** ***** *** _____

the ******* of ****** *********

*** **** ********

the *** ********

**** of *** ******

******** * ******** * (TCO ** ******* ***** ********* the relationship ******* ******** *** maturity ******* all ** *** ********* ****** ******

*** face ***** ** *** *****

the ****** rate ** *** bond

the number of ***** ** *********

**** ** *** above

******** ** Question * **** ** *** ******** ** ** 8% ******* **** ** ***** *** ******** ** a 9% ******* *****

******* *****

less than

equal ***

There ** *** enough information ** ****

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