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Final Report Detailed Outline: Title: Title of the ProjectAbstract - Overview of the ProjectIntroduction- Gennral intro on the Project topicGeneral BackgroundLiterature Review - Existing work on the
Final Report Detailed Outline:
Topic : My project is going to be on Covid-19. What we will be discussing is the impact Covid-19 have on our daily lives for examples quarantine, loss of jobs, our health and many more. We will also be discussing the reopening of New York City, the different vaccines and how it has played a role in the reopening.
- Title: Title of the Project
- Abstract - Overview of the Project
- Introduction- General intro on the Project topic
- General Background
- Literature Review - Existing work on the Project topic
- Minimum 5 reputed publications from
- Research Design & Methodology - Project Design and Implementation
- Project Requirements - All the required tools and implementation stages and description
- Dataset Implementation Results - Any specific finding related to the Project topic
(Total 6 pages and reference page)
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- 53 orders completed
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******** ************ ** *** ***** Lives *** *** ********* Of *** **** ******************** ********************************* ***** of *********** were ***** ********** ** ***** ***** Province ***** **** ***** ******* evaluates *** ******** ************* *** *********** implications of ******** ** *** lives of *********** *** ** ** ***** *** ******* ******* ** ***** *********** ****** ** provide data that ***** ********* ** *** ******* ** ******** ** a ****** ** ******* ******** *** ******** ******** *** ***** ******** *** ******* ** *** **** City As * result ************ *** ********* and *** **** ** ****** *** increased ***** ** *** high ****** *** ******** *** a ******* supply ****** *** ******* **** ******** *** ****** health ** *** ********** *** ** *** ***** in ********* brought ***** ** unemployment *** *** high expense ** living ***** ***** Kan 2021) ******* *** badly impacted *** *** **** **** economy ** ******** company ******** **** psychological ****** unemployment *** ** ********* ******** of ******* with the ************ ** ************ ******** *** ******* ** get ********** ***** facilitated the ********* ** *** **** city ********************************* ********** ** ** ********** ******* caused by * ***** discovered coronavirus *********** ****** ***** a *** ***** and * ********* ** ********** ** *** ******* ******** signs ******** * ***** **** ********* *** * sore ****** *** ******** ***** ** *********** ** ******* **** ** infectious ******* produced ** ******** or ******** an ******** individual ** **** ******** *** a *********** ********* ** *** ******** life ** ***** *** ****** ** *** virus many ***** ** *** ******* have *** to ****** ** adapt ** *** significance ** ****** ******** * ******* ** this ******* ** the ******* for employment in ******* ******* ** immediately ********** *** ******** ***** businesses ****** commerce *** travel ***** *** ***** ********* rapidly **** individual to individual ***** ********* ** the ******* ** ********* *** preventing *** ****** *** ******** ** nations have slowed ***** *********** ** commodities *** ********* ***** ******* *** ****** **** ******** *** ***** *** **** ***** ****** the ******* ******** *** *********** ******* ******** *** ***** ********** *** industries This ******* *** ********* ******* ** the ******** lives of humans *** *** global ************ *** ******** ** ******** New *********** in *** 17th ******* *** York *** *********** ** the ******** growth ** the U * The **** ***** reach ******* *** *** ***** and *** state's resources *** to *** ************* ** ************** ******** towns ******* *** **** **** have **** hit by the ********* ******** ***** *** ******** epidemic has *** a *********** impact ** *** economy ** *** **** **** owing ** *** ******* of businesses resulting ** ************ *** * **** ** *** expense ** ****** ************ ** ****** demand for ***** *** * ******* supply *** ******** epidemic *** *** ** *** ******* ** businesses in *** **** City significantly ********* *** ******** ****** ********* to the assertion ******* shutdown and ************ *********** *** a ****** ********** ******* ** ********* ** one ** *** ********** *********** ***** ** the *** York ***** ** ***** congestion in ********* such ** *********** bars ***** ****** *** ***** industries thereby ******** the ************ ** *** ********* throughout New **** residentsThe *** ******* **** **** *** ************ ** ******** ** *********** ***** *** interact ****** ******* ***** ******** ** the ***** Vaccination **** ** ******** even in New **** *** businesses to ** ******* ** the restriction measures **** aligned The main ********** topic ** **** project **** be *** ****** ******** *** ** *** ***** ***** for example ********** **** of **** *** health *** **** **** *** ******** ***** **** also ******* *** ********* of *** **** **** *** ********* ******** and *** it *** played a **** ** the ********************** ***** of ******** * coronavirus strain ********** in ******** **** **** ********* ** **** ***** *** since *** ********* in ***** **** ***** ** was first ******** **** before ******* **** *** ********* ***** ** *********** ******* ************** ******* Covid-19 had ******* ***** spreading ************* **** Wuhan ** ***** ***** ** ******** ***** *** ******* *** found ** ******* medical ************* many ** whom had ** **** **** *** ** until ** *** ********** ******* ******** were taken ** ***** province ** ******* *** spread ** *** virus ********* ******** ********** ****** isolation *** ******** ******* However *** ********** ****** **** ***** **** ****** had *** virus *** *** ** symptoms ****** ** ********** ** **** the ********* ***** control *** virus *** **** found ** *** ****** ** ***** ****** ** of ***** 3 **** *** thousand **** ******* *** ********* *** subsequently ****** **** ******* ******* **** research lab ********* *** ***** ** ***** ********** ***** ** not accurately ********* the ****** ********* on *** ****** * little **** ****** ****** *** ***** **** **** ******** ** ******** ***** *** * significant **** ** cases and nations impacted ** *** **** of *** **** ***** ***** *** now 114 ******* affected with 118000 ********* ******* More **** **** ******** people **** **** ** * ****** ** *** infection A pandemic *** proclaimed ** *** World Health Organization ***** less than * week ***** the ***** ***** ********* **** ************ *** urgency of addressing **** ****** ****** ********* ****** ** ******* ******* **** **** *** million instances *** more than 150000 ********** were ******** in over 175 ******* within one month The ***** ** ***** ****** at *** ********* *********** pandemic *** *** a ******** ****** on ******** ***** ******** *** around *** globe ********** ******** **** ****** *** ** ********** ******** ******** ** you *** ** *** ******** of other ****** *** ****** *** * mask **** **** **** ** mouth *** keep a ****** ******** ** ** ***** *** *** * **** ****** In **** ****** around the ***** ******* have been ****** ** close because ** ***** policies which have *** * ******** ****** ** education ** ** know ** Schools **** forced to ***** when *** ******** *** initially proclaimed *** to *** ******* number ** **** socialising ** onceSeveral ******* *** instance *** * * **** ****** ******** their schools *** ***** *********** ********* **** ****** them ** shut **** ***** Educators personnel and ******** may **** ** *********** to ********* ****** ********** ********** among *********** ********** ********* **** also **** exposed to *** **** ** catching Coronavirus in ******* since **** **** been ******** to **** ** and ***** ******* *** ******* ** ******* **** ***** ****** ** pupils *** in **** ************* ******* ******** ********** equipment ** * ****** ** ****** closures *** *** ******** approaches ** ********* *** school year **** ******* Nowadays **** ************ have ***** their ******* ** ****** ******** **** if the epidemic is ********** ****** ******** **** ****** ****** ** essential *********** ********** ***** 1 2020 it *** discovered that ***** was * COVID-19 epidemic in *** **** **** *** unique Coronavirus it ****** *** has been ********* ** New York City ***** ******* with widespread ********* ******** as early ** ******** ********* to ********** ******* *** demographic **** ** the *** ** ***** **** **** twenty ******** ***** *** **** ********** ****** *** **** City *** ********* ******** ** *** *********** ***** and ****** were ***** running ******** ******* was ************* ********* By ***** **** ** ********* of *** ******* had **** ***** **** *** the state *** lost ******** ** *** ****** **** low-wage ********** was lost in ****** ************** and ****** ************** Vacancies ** ********* *********** ********** *** year as ******* ***** for *********** *** ********** ********** **** **** **** ***** ******** ** *** US *** ******** *** use ** COVID-19 ******** ** December ** *** **** ***** administering *** *********** ** ******* ************* and ********* ** ******* ***** ******* on viral ******* ******** ******* ***** ********* **** *********** movement statistics public ****** ******* ********* that forty-four percent ** ***** ***** New **** ****** ***** **** been ******* ** December 31 **** ** was ****** ** ******** * **** *** in-person ******** of ********** ****** and high schools ***** ***** ***** ** ******** 25 When primary *** ********* schools reopened ** ***** ** it *** announced on ***** * ***** Bill ** ****** declared ** ***** ** **** New York **** was ********* on **** * The ***** offers ******** on the ****** of ***** ** daily ***** and the reopening ** New **** **** the ********* vaccines *** *** ** has ****** a role ** *** ******************* ***************** ********** ** the ******** *********** *** Coronavirus ********** Fever dry ***** *** ********** *** **** * *** ** the ******** ** *** Coronavirus ******* *** ** *********** ******** a runny nose ******** and ** ******** throat * ************ ******* ******* ** ** ******** patient's coughs *** ******* might *********** *** ******** ***** *** ** al 2020)The ************* history First discovered ** **** *** flu virus is ****** by * virus ***** ** *********** Over 600 ****** ** ****** ******** ******** illness ** * **** ******** Coronavirus *** **** ******* ** be * ********** ****** ***** till ** *********** inChina dispersed it ** **** different ********* for instance the * S *** ***** ***** ********* **** eruption ******* ** **** 1000 ****** from **** including ******* * ***** strain ** Coronavirus *** ***** to ** *********** for **** ******** ** *********** and ********** ******* *********** ****** ** ********** *** ********* ******** (Wu ** al ********* Covid-19's ****** ** ****** interconnection international trade *** other social ****** **** ********* have been ******** ******** * *********** setback for many ********* *** been the loss ** ********* *** broad ***** ********* *** ******** hasn't ****** *** Australian economy or ******* which *** **** ****** ** **** *** **** ** ********* Understanding *** *********** of ******** ** ********* *** ************* the variables **** **** *** ** *** spread ** *** York **** ***** help ** ***** appreciate *** ************ of *** ******** (Zhou & *** 2021)Public ************** ** * ***** *** ** *********** * ******* ****** the number of ****** ******** ** ********** ********** ****** ***** ** *** ******* cause ** its ************* ***** ** al ***** **** *** ***** spread ****** *** ***** and ** the ****** States *** ******* has **** affected ** *********** ***** ******** ** * ****** ** ********* ****** *** **** gatherings *** travel and tourism ******* were *** ***** ******* ** the ******** As * ****** ** ******* ****** *** ******** ************* ******** **** ********** ********* ** ******** ******** may be ***** *********** ** ** ***** ********* *** *** of the **** contentious areas ** ******** ******* *** ***** **** ********* to ****** instruction was * *********** *********** ** ********* *** ********* ** ******** ** *** **** education ** examined **** * ***** ******* perspective He claims **** *** ********** ********* ******** ** ** ****** because ** * lack ** tax ********** ***** ** al ********** *** a *** ** *************** ***** ** *** *** **** ******** ****** ** ****** **** ******** was * ******* ******** ****** a Seattle Washington ******** became the first person to *** ** *************** ******** *********** ** ***** ** **** SARS **** 20 ******* *** ******** ******* ********* ******* *** ** ***** records ** being ******** in **** ** **** ** ********** **** *** ******** ******** health authorities ** ******** ********* **** implemented *********** *** managed the ****** of the ******* ** using ******* ******** ********* ****** *********** ** ************ quarantine *** ******* ******* **************** ** al 2022) *********** have **** ******* ***** ********* ** more ******** case diagnosis *** screening methodsResearch Design and MethodologyThe ******** ****** is ***** ** a literature ****** ** determine *** ****** of the ***** **** **** various ******* including ********** ******** ************* **** *** *** *** *** used **** section of the ******** describes *** methods **** ** **** investigation **** ******** ****** the ****** **** ******** **** to ******* **** *** study review utilizes ********* **** Several periodicals journals published ****** ******** newspapers and ****** *** government ******* (websites) **** used to ******* data for the ******** *** *** ** this **** is * *********** ******** ****** The ****** ****** design *** **** ************* *** ************ *** ****** *********** *** ******* to ** **** systematic ****** to ******* a publication with a suitable *** ******* ********* The *** Scopus and ******* ********* **** queried *** the literature ***** *** ****** terms ********** and "vaccines *** ***** ** *** opening ** new **** **** ********* ***** ** ********* ******** ********* the ********** regarding *********** *** ****** of *********** in New **** and the vaccination and ******* ** ****** ** *** **** ********** ***** ***** ** *** *************** RequirementsThe ******** *** ** *** ******** ***** requires ****** ** ************* ******* ***** **** ****** ******* *** ****** using the ******** ** a ****** ****** then ********* *** **** obtained to give *** ******* ** *** ************ ************** Results - ******** FindingThe Impact Covid-19 **** ** *** ***** ***** And ********* ** *** **** *********** *** ************* *** *** ******* economy maybe the **** ******** *********** ** Coronavirus *** ** be *** **** of ***** The ********* **** ** **** *** **** ************ *** ****** of ****** *** have **** *** to the Covid-19 ***** has ******* 497 ******* ********* The ** *** ******* ****** fatalities *** ** *** ******* infections ******* *** UK ******** ****** ****** ****** *** of 89 ******* ********* Based on *** ********* *** mortality ******* *** ******* **** ****** neglected *** ****** ****** *** mental ****** ************ linked with **** The ****** ****** ****** of ******** impacts both *** ******** *** *** individual's ********* Bereavement ******** anxiety and **** ** ***** are *** *********** to or exacerbations ** ****** ******* ** people *** ***** ****** *** **** been * trigger to the *********** ** ******* undesirable ********* **** as ************* ******* ******* addiction and *** ** drugs and ********** ****** ** ** ************* *** had a significant impact on the ********* landscapes ** several nations ******* ******** ****** ****** *** ********** ******** * few ******** of *** *********** ******** *** ************** ******** to **** **** *** ******* Due to ******** the state's ********** ** ******* **** for *** treat ********* the ***** *** fast ****** beyond *** ****** ******* to **** ** in *** **** *** ********* ******** battle ***** ** ****** significantly ** **** a ********* ** **** *** ****** **** spiralling **** anarchy *********** **** **** ** ******* ** *** situation Politicians must *** the ********* ** ********** ******** ***** ** ***** *** and **** ****** ** ****** their social ******** ** every **** **** **** ****** that the ************** effort will ** ******* *** ** it isn't the consequences **** ** ************** ** *** York **** **** been ****** to close *** to *** ******** ******** ******* *** ***** ******* ******** As ******** by ****** ** ****** ** ******* **** **** constraints ********** ********** closed down ** *** ** *** ********** ******** implemented ** *** *** **** ********** ** ******** ************ ** certain ********* premises *** instance *********** bars shops hotels etc thus ** ****** ******** *** transmission ** *** ***** ***** *** *********** ** New **** ********** ** New **** **** have shut **** *********** *** ** Covid-19's ****** ** the ******* which *** ******** ** significant ************ ***** ***** the ****** ************ ************ ** ******** *** *********** ** **** ************ ***** ** New **** **** ** * ****** ** *** ***** ********** in **** ********* ***** ************ *** ** *** closure of ***** and ***** *********** ***** ******** in a rise ** ************ among *** **** people ********* ** **** Suomi ****** Due ** *** ******** pandemic-related ******* *** ******* ******** ** *** **** City *** ****** ******* *** ******** ********* ** ****** ********* ******* for ******** *** servicesThe outbreak ** ******** *** resulted in * **** excellent standard of living in *** York City ******* of the **** ****** *** ******* ************ ** ***** *** ******** * ***** in food ****** **** *********** to ***** *** **** ** ***** 2020 ** ******** ** *** US ****** ** ***** Statistics **** after *** ******** of *** *********** *** *** ******* ******** ******** *** ******** *** to *** high ****** *** ******** *** ********** in ********* is considered to *** ******* ** ******* ************ *** **** ******** ** *** ***** products and goods *** ******* ********** *** poor ****** *** ** rising prices hence high **** ** ****** Covid-19 *** *** ** * **** **** ** ****** ******* *********** *** *** **** economy *** ******* the ****** ******** *** **** ****** **** ******* depression issuesThere has been * decline ** the mental ****** ** New Yorkers *** ** the ********* ** ******** ******** ****** ****** *** **** ***** ******** ** *** ******** ******** *** *** subsequent ******** slump ********* ** Namita ******* ** ** 2021 *** ** *** losses ********** closures *** * ******** ** ***** **** *********** ******* sleeplessness ********* ******* ********** *** drug ********* due ** stress *** ******* ***** Covid-19 ***** negatively ********** ****** health *** well-being ****** in New **** **** have **** ********* to ****** *** ********** mental health *** ** ******** which *** ****** the ****** economyPreventing ****** ******* or ***** **** *** OVID-19 vaccine is **** *** **** ** **** ** *** treatment for ******** you should **** **** ** ***** ** arm's length **** from people and ***** **** ****** *** sneezes **** **** elbow *** following ******** ******** **** ********* *** safety *** efficacy standards ******** * *** * Sinopharm *** Sinovac ********* *** ********* ** *** ******* *** **** **** *** opened ** ****** was ******* Confirmation of *********** ******* ******** ** ******** *** *** **** **** ******* who ******* *** ********** ** *** ****** ** ***** ********** ********* who **** not been ********* *** not ******* ** work *** ***** ********************* *** COVID-19 ******** health *********** ** ******** ********* have *********** regulations *** managed *** spread ** *** ******* ** using ******* ******** ********* urging individuals to ************ quarantine *** suspension ** ******* *********** **** **** ******* their ********* ** **** ******** **** ********* and *************** ******* ******** institutions *** ************** ************ ** ******** ********** ********** *** ***** *** ******** ** *************** ****** ** ******* ********** with **** ***** ******** ***** timelines ReferencesAdedeji-Adenola * ******** * ***** ******* * ****** ******* *********** COVID-19 ******* ****** ***** ****** in *********** ******** ******** https://doiorg/101371/journalpone0264371Dawel A Shou * ******** * ******** * ******** M ***** ****** * ** ** ****** *** ****** ** ******** ** Mental ****** *** ********* ** * Representative ****** of ********** *************** ** ************ ***************************************** * Lai * Wei * Tsoi * **** * ***** **** * ****** ********* the ****** of ******* ************* ** ******* *** ****** ** ******** in twelve **************** ** Hospital Infection106(1) ******* ************************************************ * ************ * ***** ***** * (2020) *** ****** *** ************ ** ********* ** ********** ************** International ******* Of ********* *** ****** *************** 134-151 ******************************************* * ********* * & *********** * (2020) ************ ************* and ******** *** the ****** ************* ***** Challenged ******** Perceptions Toward *** **** ********* ** the Australian ContextFrontiers ** ************ *************************************** Y **** C & **** * ****** *** ******** of ********* ** *************** ** *** ******* ******* **************** ******* https://doiorg/101097/jcma0000000000000270Wu Y **** * ***** Chan Y ****** *** ******** ** ********* ** *************** ** *** Chinese ******* **************** ******* ********************************************** M ***** *** M ****** *** ******* impacts ** ******** and *** ******* ******** ** *** UK: * **** in reviewPLOS ******** e0257286 ******************************************* * ***** * **** * Li * Yang * & **** J et al (2020) A ***** *********** **** ******** with ********* in China 2019New ******* ******* Of ************** ******* ***************************************