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Final Research paper about FOR AHKEEM)

Once you've done your research and completed your "fast draft", go back and "polish" your essay into a more complete 5-paragraph draft in MLA format.  This draft will be reviewed by two of your peers on Thursday (you will be doing the same for two of your classmates). Aim for 250 words per paragraph.

Paragraph 1 - tell us about the who, what, where, when, why of your film's issue/topic (the 5W's/background) - basically give us a broad overview.  Then share a thesis - letting us know where the rest of your paper is headed (the 3 main points you want to make can be summarized here).

Paragraph 2 - begin with a topic sentence about point #1 and then elaborate.  Include research support (either paraphrased material with in-text citations or a quote with a signal phrase) somewhere in the paragraph.

Paragraph 3 - transition to point 2, share a topic sentence, elaborate and include research.

Paragraph 4 - transition to point 3, share a topic sentence, elaborate, and include research.

Paragraph 5 - summarize what you've shared and then end with a link to either the film's official website or somewhere we could go to learn even more about this topic

1496894340 06/07/2017 11:59pm

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This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Could you tell what the who, what, where, when, why was by the end of the second sentence of the first paragraph? 508641_8380

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[ Select ]No I cannot. Its only clear as to who and what happYes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was the name of the film and director mentioned in the introductory paragraph? 508641_5132

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[ Select ] The film director is not mentioned in the introducYes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was there a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph? 508641_4690

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[ Select ]Does not include a thesis, which sets the tone forYes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was there a sentence at the beginning of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th paragraph written by the student that explained clearly what that paragraph would be about? 508641_8542

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[ Select ]The only pagraph with a beginning sentence thats exYes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was there research to support the topic of each of those 3 paragraphs - with a proper in-text (xxx) citation or at least one expert quoted with a proper signal phrase (name, title, organization) 508641_4467

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[ Select ]None.Yes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Were there transition words as the author went from point to point to conclusion? 508641_1515

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[ Select ]No, you need transition words at the beginning of aNo.

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was the grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc. good (1) - or did you feel like you needed to make a lot of edits (0)? 508641_2777

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[ Select ]GoodGrammar and spelling mimstakesNo, Good

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was MLA format used? Including a works cited page? 508641_7229

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[ Select ]No.Yes

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Was there a conclusion that included something you could do or a website you could go to for more information? 508641_9517

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[ Select ]No website for more information.No website or something which i could go for more iyes.

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Did you feel completely informed about this topic by the end of the paper (1) or did you still have some questions (0)? If you had questions - list them in the comment box. 508641_528

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threshold: pts

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[ Select ]I feel that i had more questions.No, Good job.Yes, there are all information.

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  / 1.0 pts



This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Description of criterion

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threshold: 5 pts

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  / 5 pts


Final Research paper about FOR

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