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Find an article in the Op/ED (Opinion/Editorial) section from an online newspaper that is argumentative in nature, then provide an explanation in...

Find an article in the Op/ED (Opinion/Editorial) section from an online newspaper that is argumentative in nature, then provide an explanation in which you analyze the article.  The intent is not to argue for or against the content; instead, you are analyzing what the article does in terms of purpose, approach, and effectiveness.

Analyze the article using the following questions as a guide.

  1. What is the purpose of the text? In other words, what does the author want his or her readers to believe after reading the article?
  2. What strategies does the author use to achieve his/her purpose? Does the author use facts, examples, experiences, logic, assumptions, data, sources, expert opinion, and so on to prove his or her position? Be sure to give examples. You could also try to determine if the position is presented as more of a Classical argument or a Rogerian argument.
  3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the approach the author used? Do you detect bias that is unreasonable? Does the author use unreasonable assertions, stereotypes, or faulty information to make his or her points? Does the author place the opposition in an unfair light? Does the author distort the arguments of those who disagree? Does the author fail to recognize the weaknesses in his or her own position? Does the author leave out important information? Does the author back up his or her assertions with evidence, or does he or she simply make assumptions? What would most improve the argument? Explain your answers.

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