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Fix assignment based on the professor feedback below

PROFESSOR FEEDBACK----I appreciate the hard work you put into the fourth portion of your milestone project!  Can you believe we have only two weeks left at this point!?!  You did a wonderful job identifying how foreign currency rates will impact your company.  You made several recommendations on how to mitigate those impacts, as well!  We also have to be concerned with foreign taxation which we discussed in the classroom this week.   Your presentation covered the key issues, benefits of tax incentives, and the potential disadvantages we can run into as well.  Your addition to the final project is a bit brief though.  Be sure to fully address all areas and meet the length requirements of 10 to 12 slides.

I recommended an article from the Journal of Accountancy in the last milestone process and I found another one you may find helpful this week as well regarding the difficulty of using financial statements under various standards:


If you had suggested improvements on earlier milestones I recommend working on those now, as we go along, to make things easier for you in the final weeks when it’s time to compile and submit your entire project.

If you'd like to try the audio going forward here is a helpful resource:


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