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What block pricing formula's can be used for attendees per event and profit per event?

Flnal_.fisslgnrn ent l:l-’ liimrun] - ELIEl Insert Page La Formulas " ' View F [iii From TeittICSV D9 Recent Sourcs ||=|:l>‘ Querifi 81 Connections YR Clear E‘E‘ |éafiroup ‘ ‘E B Data Analysis— n _ . _g From Web I? Existing Connections u 2: Properties 7,134 Reapply WE EJE Ungroup ' ': 1) SolverGet a Refrsn 2i Sort Filter Text to :v‘ Whatrlf ForecastDab, . From TablefRange A” . 3, Edit Link: ‘ Adv-an :ed Columns 5% . Ffi Anal,“ . Shed EE SubtotalGet&Transform Data Queriesflt Connections Sorta: Filter Data Tools Forecast Outline l—x AnalyzeI55 - E fxA A El C D E F G H J K Managen'al Analysis Final AssignmentFall 2018 1_L3—4—55’ 1. Carr'e's Corporate Catering (Triple-(2'1 provides breakfast, lunch, onilner tor meetims fllfl events held by total businessa BM organizations. Foreaeh event, '[riw-C incurs marginal cost msm {MC=§1IM)D| per attenibe. 7— Because NC is constant, average varisbh coat [AVG] il equal to Sta. as spell, and muse him—C Engages in sustains pricing ti.e. prioes futile Iona run]l AVC is also emial to average total cost (AC). Assume the demand tur ell-ch379nm is identical, given bytheeaplelsion. P :55 - MG. where Q is the number olattendees for each event, and P is the prioe charged per attendee. 3— 1D—Assume, iniially. Triple-C charges a simle price per attendee for each event. :2— Use this information tin answer the questions below. 13— 14 NOTE: For some otthese questions, you may want to do the work outside at Excel and just put your answer in the text box provided.47 Suppose Triplex: is oon sidering an alternative pricing scheme. in which the oompany would charge 542.50 per attendee for the first 10 attendees, 527.50 per attendee for the next 20 attendees,as $12.50 per attendee for the next 20 attendees. and 55 for all remaining attendees [i.e. set prioe equal to marginaloost for each attendee exoeeding 50in number). 43 In other words, Triple-C would engage in block pricing, a form of second-degree price discrimination. 51 d. Under this pricing scheme. how many attendees would beat each event and what would be 1ripleCs profit per event? [4 uts.i i Attendees perevent:E7 Profit per event:55i I Pmbleml Problem2 I ProblemS I Problemd I 6-) 5 1| Ready E 7: 'loillelmieifleimil“He‘ll
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