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For this assignment, submit each term with a thorough definition in your own words and locate a real example (from a newspaper article, a speech, etc). Terms: rhetoric rhetorical situation persuasion
For this assignment, submit each term with a thorough definition in your own words and locate a real example (from a newspaper article, a speech, etc).
rhetorical situation
forensic (or judicial rhetoric)
epideictic (demonstrative rhetoric)
symbouleutikon (deliberative)
rhetorical device
rhetorical question
mythological or literary allusion
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******************************** ** ****************************** ************* ******************** Name:Due Date: Rhetoric: **** is an *** of ********* ******** *** writing with *** aim ** impressing *** listener or persuading **** ** * ******* issue ** example is * ********* ***** a ********** ********* ****** of his *********************** ********** **** is a ********* ***** * **** ** brought ** **** *** to existing ********** ****** *** ******* ** **** at *********** the ******* ******* a certain direction ** order ** **** certain needs ** ******* is * situation ***** * ******** ****** * marketing **** to ******** ****** ** purchase a ****************** **** is * ************* process ***** **** at ******** ****** ******** *** attitude ******* a ********** ** ******* ** * ********* ***** * ****** ******** ** ******* in order ** convince ****** **** smoking is bad *** ***** *************** This ** a ************* ******* which ***** ******* encouraging the ******** ** **** *** ***** ********** ***** the ****** *** **** **** appropriate ******* * ********* from ******** ****** *** be ********* ** ***** to *********** the ********** of ** ****** ** ******* ** ********** people ** ***** **** ** ** will **** *** ****** ********************** **** ** * ************* ******* ** ***** ** recommend ****** ** ******* ** **** to ********* * ******** ** an ****** ** ******* is * ********* ***** *** *** ** ******** writes a ****** ** recommend ******* ******* **** *** ********* **** ** employeesSymbouleutikon ** a **** ** ******* ***** **** ******* ******* ****** to *** the ******** ******* ** a possible ****** ***** *** be achieved ******* convincing ****** to take a certain ****** ** order ** ******* ** ** ******* ** ******* ****** ** see *** positive **** ** * ***** that is free **** racism *** ** encourage people ** ******* ******* ******* such * ************ **** are ******** ******* *** ***** ****** * community’s ******* ***** ************* * ********* *** differentiates ** **** other communities ** ******* is * ********* ***** *** ****** ** * ********* *** ********* ** ****** ***** *********** towards * certain **** of ************** **** simply means ******* ******** and ******* ******* * ********** ** ******* ** *** thoughts ****** ** Thomas Aquinas ********* *** existence ** ********** **** ** * ************* ******* which ** ***** towards provoking an emotion from *** ******** in ***** ** **** **** feel **** they **** a ******* phenomenon An ******* is a ********* ***** a ******** ****** * ***** which ***** *** ********* **** * ******* ******* ***** they **** ** ********* **** *** **** Rhetorical ******* **** is * style used by ** author ** ******** *** ****** ** ******** * certain ***** of ********** An ******* is ********** *** ******** *** ******** ** * scam that *** created to ******* a *** ****** ** *** ***************** ********* **** ** * ******** that ** **** ** order ** make *** audience ** ***** towards an issue ** ****** **** obvious ********* which **** do *** need to ****** ** example ** when *** ******* **** **** *** be ***** *********** *** ******** *** obviously understands **** *** being **** **** **** *** lateAllusion: **** ** an ******** ********* ******* ** ****** ********** to ****** **** *** *********** *** *** ****** **** ** ******* ** ****** that *** ** ********* ** ***** One *** image the ***** ** chocolate in ***** ** *** the intended meaningLiteracy ********* This is * ********** ********* ******* *** ** directed ******* * text * place or ******* ********** work which *** ******* by a ********* ****** ** example ** using ** ***** of loveRepetition: **** ** ** action of ********* on ** ***** ******* ********* **** ****** ***** ** * sentence *** ** **** **** ** rain ** *** ******* for **************** **** is ***** *** **** *********** structure ** ****** * ******** **** the *** ** ********* ******* and ******* of ***** An ******* ** ‘man ** ***** ** **** mankind ** ***** ** **********