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For this assignment, you will find art that has been used to promote ethical or moral values, used as propaganda, or created as protest art. The art can be a poem, book, painting, statue, dance or son

For this assignment, you will find art that has been used to promote ethical or moral values, used as propaganda, or created as protest art. The art can be a poem, book, painting, statue, dance or song: as long as it qualifies as art. For your presentation, you will show one example of moralistic art, one example of propaganda, and one example of protest art. One example MUST COME from outside of the United States.In your presentation, try to cover the following for each of your examples: What example have you chosen for each? Provide title, artist, date. Include images or videos or excerpts from a song, poetry, or literature as applicable. (Note: If you can find book covers or images of the writers or artists, please include them.) Summarize the purpose the art served for each: What moral or ethic was it promoting? Belief system? What was it protesting? Explain the political, religious, or moral climate surrounding it. What was it propagating? Explain the political, religious, or moral climate surrounding it. Determine how each was used. Was it widely distributed? Was it on public display? Was it published or displayed outside of the country of origin in order to gain sympathy for its cause. Examine whether the art for each was considered a success. For moralistic, did it help propel the moral or ethical message? For protest art, was it banned in its country of origin? Did it spark further protest? For propaganda, was it successful in promoting its cause? (Note that I’m asking about promoting the propaganda, not whether the movement was successful. For example, propaganda for the Nazis in Germany during WWII was successful even though the Nazis were not.)

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