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For this assignment, you will further enhance your overall Quality  Management Integration Plan by adding in a section to address quality  performance monitoring and control. By identifying which me

For this assignment, you will further enhance your overall Quality  Management Integration Plan by adding in a section to address quality  performance monitoring and control. By identifying which methods you  will utilize for the quality monitoring and control, you will be able to  know—at any given point in the project—if you are on track with quality  performance or not.

  • Add the Quality Performance Monitoring and Control section.  
    • Identify the tasks, task duration, and resources that should be  added or already exist in the project plan to monitor and control  quality.  
    • Calculate the additional contingency or primary budget that has been set aside for these tasks.    
    • Discuss how you will use at least 2 of the following quality  performance tools and techniques to perform monitoring and control:  
      • Cause and effect charts  
      • Control charts  
      • Benchmarking  
      • Flowcharting  
      • Histogram  
      • Pareto chart  
      • Run chart  
      • Scatter diagram  
      • Statistical sampling  
      • Inspection 
    • Be sure to include a sample of this tool or technique in use. 
  • Name the document "LastName_FirstName_MPM357_IP4.doc."  
  • Note that this is the same document that will be submitted as the Draft Key Assignment. 
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