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For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You

For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis.

As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve dysfunctional conflict.

Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least two peer-reviewed sources. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

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****************** ********** ********** between ********* AgesName of ******************* of **************************************** Resolution ********** ******* ********* ******************* ******* by Yeung Fung & **** (2015) ********* *** ********* ******** ********** approaches **** *** exhibited between *** younger ****** *** ***** ****** **** managing ********* The authors ********* how *** ******* and older ********* use ******** strategies ** ****** ******** incidents ***** *** *********** ** ******** ********** between young *** ***** ****** *** ************** *********** ****** highlights of *** *** adults ****** ** ******* ********** ****** ***** ******* ************* closeness as **** ** emotional ***** *** * bearing to *** older ********* as ** ***** to guide *** ***** employees on *** ** handle workplace conflicts *** ******** *********** among **** show *** young *** ***** adults **** ********* ********** ** handling conflicts Use ** ******* strategies ** ***** adults ** ******* ******** ***** *** ********** **** exist **** ******** conflicts *** *** ** ******** ********** ** ***** ********* ** create *********** *** *********** *** **** ******* ** solve **************** ****** **** paper will ********* *** different strategies used ** ******** resolution ******* ******* *** ***** ********* ** *** **************************** ** Currie et ** (2017) ********* ********** *** ** used ** ****** ******** ** *** ********* **** often conflict ****** ** a disagreement ******* various ******* ************* ******** can ***** ******* ***** subordinates ** well ** *********** Yeung Fung ***** Chan ****** describe **** ******** ** ********** *** ***** ***** *** **** approaches *** ******** ********** integrating ******** ** **** ** ************ *** ******* concern for ****** and **** ** evident ******* *********** ** gives **** *** **** ********** *** *********** ******** *** practical ********* ******** on the other hand can be manifested **** ***** ** * **** ******* ** **** ** **** ** *** ********* ******** The ********* ************* conflict ********** ********** *** *** aimed ** achieving ******** at *** workplaceFindings **** ***** that older adults ***** ***** ******** ** ** in **** **** the established ***** ********* taskforce encompasses * ***** ****** of ***** ********* Effective ************* is an ********* ****** **** *** *** ** quality outcomes *** aging ********* have ****** ******* ************** selectivity theory ** ** ******* ** organizational ********** ********* *** mediating **** *** help ********* ********* *********** at *** workplace *** ******** ** *** ***** and ******* ********* ****** ********** *** this ******** the ************* relations *** *** ************ ******* *** ********* **** of ****** ******* ** al ***** **** the **** ** ********** *** working ********* ** reduce workplace conflictsConflict ********** ****** on *** **** ** the conflict ******* The ************* ******** ******* a ********** *** *** ******** ****** be ********** ** promote ************ **** ***** ********* conflict ****** *** help in ******** conflicts ******* ********* and subordinates More ***** *** ***** ********* **** ** avoid ***** *********** ** ******* ** ******* ********* ***** employees dominate **** when the ******** ****** ** **** *** *********** The ******** ********** ****** ** *** *** ** *** ********* ** ***** *** ********** ********* **** ****** ** *** *** ** the ******** *** *** **** ***** ********** when solving conflicts ***** ********* ****** ** **** of the ******* ********* (Puntet ** ***** The ******** ******** ****** ** ******* ** *********** and productivityConclusionConflict ********** ** essential ** a productive ********* **** ********* ******* ******************* ********** as **** tend to ***** the supervisor *** dominate **** *********** *** cooperative goals also ****** ** *** as ********* ********* **** different ************* **** ***** ** open ************* in *** ********* * ******** *********** ** ******** *** to the understanding and environment created Workplace ******** strategies ******* show **** individuals **** **** ******* ***** conflicts ********* it ** ********* ** ******* ******** strategies **** lead ** * ********** ***************************************************** * Gormley * ***** * ***** ****** * (2017) *** management ** ********* ********* *********** ******** in *** HRM ********** International Journal ** ********** ******* ***** *********** * * Butterworth D * ** **** * * ** ******** * A ***** ****** * ****** ********** ******** *********** best ********* **** *** ********* ***** ************ * * **** H * ***** **** * ****** Managing conflict ** ***** Comparison ******* ******* *** ***** managerial ********* ************* ******* ** ******** ********** 26(3) *******

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