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Forget the stereotypes. Meet young Native Americans who are taking a stand with music, art and social media. In this episode, Frank Waln powerfully crusades for the environment; pop singer Inez Jasper

Forget the stereotypes. Meet young Native Americans who are taking a stand with music, art and social media. In this episode, Frank Waln powerfully crusades for the environment; pop singer Inez Jasper empowers and speaks out for women; and Nataanii Means and Mike Cliff

step in to help lift up and inspire youth on the reservation and through Native Lives Matter.

Watch the film:

Native America: 7th Generation Rises

Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aRwprNai4A

Write a 1-2 page reflection in your blue books. If you prefer to type your reflection, print out your paper, and attach it to your blue book.

DUE: Tuesday, March 5th (3/5)

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