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FormattinglLength Requirements Failure tofollmn these instructions M will result in a WWW your overall papergrade. n 1,500 words minimum -...
Write an annotated bibliography about implementing a smoking ban on campus. Including an introduction, 3 citations (each containing a summary and explanation) and a conclusion/syntheis. sis of all of the citations. 1,500 word count.
FormattinglLength Requirements" Failure tofollmn these instructions M will result in a WWW your overall papergrade. n 1,500 words minimum - 12-point fonta Title that creatively previews the purpose or essence a Submission online in Microsoft WordOf your composrtlon. I Worlds) Cited Page and ln-Text Citations 0 MLA style, Double-spaced, 1" margins "Google is not a synonym for research. " — Dan Brown, author In the textual analysis essay, you analyzed a source noting how it attempted to persuade or influence itsaudience and evaluating the effectiveness of that argument. In the literature review, you will research yourselected topic and find three to six sources that address multiple sides or aspects of the topic. At least one of these sources must offer a stron o osin ar ent to our osition. Then, you will write an objectivesynthesis that identifies relationships among your sources. MRIASK For this assignment, you will consider the debates related to your to ic; common subtopics that the sourcesaddress; and the sides, aspects, and dimensions to be considered wi the topic. A successful report will bothidentify the relationships among your sources and engage with these connections using an objective tone. Thispaper is informative not argumentative. In composing your literature review, consider the information Bullock and Go ' provide in chapter 12 of theNorton Field Guide. Essentially, you must include (I) ”a tightly focused topic,” 8%”? accurate, well-researchedinformation," (3) ”synthesis of ideas,” (4) "various writing strategies,” (5) "clear definitions,” and (6)"appropriate design” (Bullock and Goggin 145-146). Throughout this unit, you will apply many of the research strategies you learned during our library instructionsession, and we will perform various activities related to literature reviews both in and out of class. At anypoint in this process, if you need assistance, please feel free to email me to schedule an office visit. I am happyto help! You may also schedule an appointment with a reference librarian for research assistance. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: 0 Topic Proposal Workshops: Feb. 19-Feb.23(1) Sign up for a 10-min. workshop in the Google Doc shared to your UA email address. Your meeting willcount as one absence if you do not attend. (2) Post your topic proposal in a Word document to Blackboard. (3) Attend your scheduled conference time and bring printed copies of your proposal. (4) Be prepared tointroduce the document, explain your plan for the essay, and present at least one question about your research. Simply asking if your idea is "good" is not sufficient. Peer Review Draft Due: Mon., Mar. 6You compose a full draft of your literature review including the works cited page. Then, bring a medQ2)? of the completed literature review to class including your works cited page. You must also upload adigital copy to the ”Peer Review — Literature Review” Blackboard assignment." To participate in and receive credit for the peer review workshop, you must have a printedcopy of your paper at the begm_mn' ' g of class time. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to thisrequirement.