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Functional Behavioral Assessment Short PaperAfter reviewing the reading for Week 3, address the following in a two- to three-page paper:Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the fun

Functional Behavioral Assessment Short Paper

After reviewing the reading for Week 3, address the following in a two- to three-page paper:

  • Describe how teachers collect data in order to determine the functions of a behavior. 
  • Analyze the importance of collecting and reviewing data before implementing specific interventions to address challenging behavior. 
  • Discuss three common behaviors a teacher may see in young children and target for modification or replacement. Propose possible functions for each of these common targeted behaviors

Your paper must be two to three pages in length (double-spaced, not including title and reference pages) and utilize APA formatting. It must cite at least two scholarly resources (including the course text). Citations must be properly formatted in APA style. Lastly, please note that this information will be used for your Final Project, due in Week 5.

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