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GIS Document for Final ProjectThe purpose of this paper is to summarize the organization of your final map project. You must choose a real issue to study geographically with the San Diego Region. Use
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the organization of your final map project. You must choose a real issue to study geographically with the San Diego Region. Use SANDAG and U.S. Census and your own GPS shapefiles and databases to create your map and then perform the necessary spatial analysis in order to help solve the problem or understand the issue better. This is a formal paper and must follow APA format. The minimum length is at least two pages (not including title page), and include/discuss the following elements:
• Cover page (with Title of Map and required class information elements)
• Formal outline (APA style)
• Introduction
• Describe the issue you are trying to understand in a geographical sense
• Why was this issue chosen and what is the need to understand it in a geographical sense?
• What is the main point of your map and how do the elements and analysis you conducted support that?
• What is the specific question(s) you are asking?
• How you plan on addressing the issue/s within your map?
• Use GIS Concepts from class lectures and tutorials when discussing issues and processes
• What layers did you use and what are their detailed origins used in the map?
• How did you plan the organization of your map abd what were the reasons for doing so?
• Conclusion Your grade will be based on (100 total points):
• Cover page aesthetics and includes all required elements: 10 points
• Outline quality: 10 points
• APA style applied correctly to body of paper and reference page: 10 points
• Spelling and grammar: 10 points
• GIS concepts discussed: 10 points
• Critical thinking applied: 10 points
• Logical order and flow is smooth: 10 points
• Good introduction and conclusion: 10 points
• All questions addressed: 10 points
• 2 full written pages (not including title, outline or reference page): 10 points
Final QGIS Map Project
Students will work in a practical sense to use the knowledge and skills they gained from the lectures and QGIS tutorials to create a map which helps tell a story or provide justification. The students have a choice to create a map concerning the theme of their choosing as long as they as using the GIS files from SANDAG in combination with points that they acquired themselves through GPS points or paths. This means that all maps created will have San Diego themes. This exercise will provide/enhance student’s professional skill adding geographic science and spatial knowledge to their designs and careers. Maps must include all necessary map elements and credits and references for all information and files must be included in a reference page.
Helpful links:
• SANDAG (GIS Shapefiles to download): https://www.sandag.org/index.asp?subclassid=100&fuseaction=home.subclasshome
• U.S. Census Bureau (TIGER files/shapefiles): https://www.census.gov/geo/mapsdata/data/tiger-line.html
• American Factfinder (U.S. Census data tables): https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t
• SW Maps App (To create points, lines, paths and polygons): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=np.com.softwel.swmaps&hl=en
• SW Maps manual: http://swmaps.softwel.com.np/assets/resources/manual.pdf
Grades will be based on (100 points):
• Necessary map elements included (Title, scale, navigation, legend, author): 10 points
• Use of GIS tools: 10 points
• Providing a unique perspective: 10 points
• Educational value: 10 points
• Map is interesting: 10 points
• Map has focus and clarity: 10 points
• Map is detailed: 10 points
• Strength of Sources/Credits: 10 points
• Originality: 10 points
• Artistry: 10 points
• Aesthetics: 10 points
GIS Final Project Document
The purpose of this write-up is to summarize the final product of your map project which will be depicting the GIS concepts you choose to include within your map. The main point of your map and GIS concepts should be related in a short summary. Write-up must be at in a formal paper format, at least 2 pages in length (not including title page), follow APA format and include the following elements:
• Cover page
• Formal outline (APA style)
• Introduction
• Map description, concept on how concepts will be displayed in a map format
• GIS concepts that you represented within your map
• Map elements used
• Details of each element
• Student’s experience making the map
• Positive experiences while creating your map
• Negative experiences while creating your map 6
• How it could be improved?
• How you could use GIS in your career to solve problems?
• Conclusion Your grade will be based on (100 total points):
• Cover page aesthetics and includes all required elements: 10 points
• Outline quality: 10 points
• APA style applied correctly to body of paper and reference page: 10 points
• Spelling and grammar: 10 points
• GIS concepts discussed: 10 points
• Critical thinking applied: 10 points
• Logical order and flow is smooth: 10 points
• Good introduction and conclusion: 10 points
• All issues addressed: 10 points • 2 full written pages (not including title, outline or reference page): 10 points
Download QGIS A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System at: https://qgis.org/en/site/index.html
The QGIS Tutorials and Tips and accompanying data sets at: https://www.qgistutorials.com/en/index.html