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Give a clear comparison and the contrast that exists between the stories and characters in the novel, Cathedral by Raymond Carver and the A & P by John Updike. Provide a clear and consise understa
Give a clear comparison and the contrast that exists between the stories and characters in the novel, Cathedral by Raymond Carver and the A & P by John Updike.
Provide a clear and consise understanding of both stories and the inspiration behind them.
brief explanation
A&P is a story where a character by the name Sammy ends up losing his job in a shopping center after he tries to defend girls who arrive for shopping in skimpy dresses. It is a story that illustrates the differing views of the adult and the teenage world expressing how hard it is to take the concerns of the adults in today’s dynamic world
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*** following ******* ******** a ***** ********** *** the ******** **** ****** ******* the stories and ********** ** *** ***** ********* ** Raymond ****** *** *** A ***** * ** **** ****** ** ***** **** ******* ** * ***** ***** * character by *** **** ***** **** ** ****** *** *** ** * ******** ****** ***** ** ***** ** ****** ***** *** ****** *** ******** ** ****** ******* ** ** a story **** illustrates *** differing ***** ** *** ***** *** *** ******* ***** expressing how **** it ** ** take *** concerns of *** ****** ** today’s dynamic ***** ** the other **** ********* ** ******* ****** is ** illustration of *** ************* views ** ********* characters ** others *** ** **** one that ****** * ******** to ******** *** *** ****** **** ****** *** the world ** **** It is ***** this ****** ********** ********* **** ** **** ** **** *** ************ *** ********* that exist ******* these *** ******** worksIdeally in **** ******* the **** ********** are ********** **** ****** *** view *** ***** *********** from **** ***** characters that *** ***** **** ***** ******* ******* ** ***** ********** **** an ******** ********* of mental judgment *** ******* in ***** ********* ***** ** A&P **** ** ********** *** ********* ******* ******** ******** *** *** ********** ******* ******* *** ***** ************* *** one he ********* “Queenie”) ***** all ** fails ** get *** approval ** the ***** *** **** ** ***** *** job in their ******* In *** ********* *** ******** ***** ** figure *** **** is * cathedral *** *** ********* he sees the **** of *** blind *** Robert *** ******** ******* is able ** ******** with *** ******** *** emotional ********** ******* *** ***** manIn **** stories *** main ********** *** are *** ******** ** *** ********* and Sammy in * ***** * **** ****** ************ ********* stereotypical ***** and *** that ********* **** ***** **** ********** ascribe to Sammy * ******** **** old ***** *** ** ******* ********** ***** ** * ***** ***** ***** **** ** **** *** snacks but however they **** **** dressed ** ******* ***** as observed ** *** ******* ** the store **** according to *** ******* ** ********* and ** ends ** ************* ***** **** ** ****** at them ********* **** **** should **** to the ***** **** **** they *** ******** ******* ** * ******* note ** *** ********* *** ************ wife’s ****** *** visits *** happens ** ** a ***** *** ****** * ************* ******** on * ********* and his ********** ******** at *** ************ ******** He **** **** ***** *** ** ** ***** *** *** ********* * looked ******* to *** ***** ********** ********* offer an ********** ** the outside ***** in which *** ******* ********** ****** not ** **** **** **** toAdditionally both ********** *** ***** * divergent **** **** *** central characters way ** **** ****** ** ** received ** * ***** ****** ****** **** were ****** ** a manner ********** ** despise **** regard ** ***** ******** *** their ******** appearance ** **** ** ******* the ***** are ***** ** ***** ***** you ****** think ****** * **** ** ***** ** **** a ****** **** **** * *** ** a ***** ******* **** *** the **** ** ******** Herring ****** ** Pure Sour ******** ******** *** narrator in Cathedral *** is *** husband to *** wife *** *** *** ***** ******* ******** friend **** ****** ** was not **** comfortable having a blind *** ** *** premises though ** *** *** ** ******** **** **** *** ***** ***** ********* *** much ****** the ***** *** ***** *********** ***** though ** **** **** while ** ********* it is the ***** man *** ********** *** differing **** and manages ** ****** the stereotypical **** ** the ******** ** **** ********** ******* ** ** *** central ********* **** *** fights ** have *** ******** ********** ******* *** girls *** arrive indecently ******* ** not ****** about the ****** *********** perception *** rather ***** ************* conclusion ********* **** stories ***** similarities ** **** ** ******* ***** contrasts ***** writer’s ******* *************** ***** similarities *** *********** offer * thoughtful literary ***** that defines divergent opinions and *** ******** ******* of *** ********** ** ******** **** their visitors ** ****