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Graduate School of Business - Fordham University Marketing Decision Models, Summer 2019 Prof. Mohammad G. Nejad SQL Practice Exercise A company of...

Hi, I am using SQL through access and I am not sure how to solve this problem and I have a quiz tomorrow. Could someone please explain to me how to execute this? Thank you!

Graduate School of Business - Fordham UniversityMarketing Decision Models, Summer 2019Prof. Mohammad G. NejadSQL Practice ExerciseA company of your choice (choose one) has provided you with their purchase database and hasasked you to develop appropriate SQL codes to retrieve data for preliminary insights. Thecompany has provided you with a database (FirmPurchases.accdb). The database contains's purchasing transactions from suppliers as well as employees who made theBefore developing each SQL code, study the tables and think about the appropriate measure(s)for each question. For example, what type of vendor would you consider a reliable or a goodvendor? Examples of such measures are provided in the questions. Later, in the marketingmetrics part of our class, we will discuss more metrics.Please provide the SQL codes for the following questions and make sure to include thejustification for the measurement used in developing the query:1- Vendor analysisa. Prepare a list of Vendors and appropriate columns (choose a few columns)b.. Prepare a list of Vendors (with appropriate columns) in addition to theirperformance. Sort your answer to step b based on vendor performances(descending).i. How would you define performance?1. Having the shortest average time delay between the order date andshipping date2. Having the lowest freight cost3. The total ($) of purchases4. The total number of products (Qty) that we purchase from them. Isthis measure meaningful?5. The total number of different products that the company haspurchased from the vendor6. How do you compare the freight cost against the order size?a. Order $b. Quantity of products in the orderii. Note: some of the analysis above requires joining tablesc. Discuss your observations. What would you recommend to the manager?i. For the next steps, choose one performance measure (be creative).d. Using your answer to the previous step, prepare a list of the top 10 high-performing vendorse. Prepare another list of the lowest ten performing vendors
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