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Grammar and Mechanics - Review This exercise is a review of the grammar rules you learned in the first ten chapters as well as a review of confusing...

8. Grammar and Mechanics - Review

This exercise is a review of the grammar rules you learned in the first ten chapters as well as a review of confusing and frequently misspelled words.

Choose the word that completes the sentence correctly.

I visited the personal / personnel department last week to receive more information on my medical benefits.

Choose the sentence that contains the correctly spelled word.

-The recruiter called to congradulate me after I received the position.

-The recruiter called to congratalate me after I received the position.

-The recruiter called to congratulate me after I received the position.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

-In one-on-one interviews, which are the most common type you will sit down with a company representative to discuss the position and your qualifications.

-In one-on-one interviews which are the most common type you will sit down with a company representative to discuss the position and your qualifications.

-In one-on-one interviews, which are the most common type, you will sit down with a company representative to discuss the position and your qualifications.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

-When preparing for panel interviews, review the basic biographical information about each panel member.

-When preparing for panel interviews review the basic biographical, information about each panel member.

-When preparing for panel interviews review the basic biographical information about each panel member.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

-When participating in a sequential interview, sell yourself; don't assume that any interviewer knows what was said in the previous interview.

-When participating in a sequential interview; sell yourself don't assume that any interviewer knows what was said in the previous interview.

-When participating in a sequential interview, sell yourself don't assume that any interviewer knows what was said in the previous interview.

Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

The interviewer asked me a series of traditional questionsand, / , and / and  then I asked him my closing questions.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

-I didn't feel like I did a very good job at my interview last week yet I think I can regroup and improve by my next one.

-I didn't feel like I did a very good job at my interview last week yet, I think I can regroup and improve by my next one.

-I didn't feel like I did a very good job at my interview last week, yet I think I can regroup and improve by my next one.

Choose the best option to complete the sentence.

When I first began this job, my salary was $56,000 / $56000 / $5,6000 , but after nine years, I have increased my wages significantly.

Choose the correctly punctuated sentence.

-Please send your application to Helen Jameson 2384 34th Avenue, Jessup OR 94035, as soon as possible.

-Please send your application to Helen Jameson, 2384 34th Avenue, Jessup, OR 94035, as soon as possible.

-Please send your application to Helen Jameson 2384 34th Avenue Jessup, OR 94035, as soon as possible.

Choose the word that is spelled correctly.

I never exaggerate / exegerate /exagarate my past salaries when negotiating with a hiring manager.

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