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Heather Fulkerson

Hello.  First off, I apologize for the late post, I was starting to work on my post, when I called to go back in to work to take a resident to ER, my job is never done.  My name is Heather Fulkerson and I live in San Diego, Ca.  I am currently pursuing my degree in Cognitive Studies.  I chose this degree because for the past 20 years, I have been working with children/teens with Developmental Disabilities and behavioral challenges.  I am an Administrator for a residential group home.  As an Administrator I am responsible for ensuring that the house is running in compliance with licensing and Regional Center guidelines and the residents are able to live a life that promotes their independence.  My job is challenging, but I live what I do.  In my very limited spare time, I like to spend time with my son and family.  We typically enjoy dinner and a movie at least once a week.  At 18, he prefers to be hanging out with his friends instead of mom. 

I t4end to be a visual learner.  I prefer reading the material for myself instead of being lectured.  I have to see things laid out in front of me, so that I can process it better. 

I look forward to working with each of you.

Hello Class, my name is Lisa and I live in a small town in Southern California. I have lived here my entire life and I absolutely love it. I have three children, two girls and a boy, they are my world. I am currently perusing a degree in cognitive studies, and then on to earn my teaching credential for special needs. I am currently working as an instructional assistant in a special needs class. I love my job and am very excited about teaching. Helping to reach these special children is near and dear to my heart. My son is autistic, and he is the most amazing person I know. I enjoy reading, spending time with my family and being outdoors. I have always loved working with children, especially children with special needs. When I was in high school I worked in a severely handicapped class as well as working in a primary class with special need children. I think I was being prepared for what was in store for me with my own child. I have always felt like working with these kiddos has always been my calling and my son is the most amazing, funny, full of life, intelligent, person that I know.

My bachelor's degree that I am currently pursuing is in cognitive studies.I am considered a senior and have about 3 months left in my program. I have taken some ECE units a few years back and really enjoyed them. I have worked in a daycare back in high school and I now currently work with special needs kiddos. I have worked with all different ages and all different areas, with kids ranging in moderate classes to kids with severe impairments. I have gained so much insight working with all types of kids. I have probably learned the most from my own special needs kiddo. Watching how differently he was developing than your average child. I am really looking forward to this class. I am excited about this class, and looking forward to getting to know all of you.

I would say I am a hands on learner. If I am engaged in a project or a group activity where I am actively participating, I retain the information and it stays with me. I also need visual cues as well. I'm a combination of those two learning styles.

Hello my name is Tawana Parker. I am mom to a 26 year old and a 24 year old. I also have 3 godchildren; expecting my first grandbaby in January. I received my associated degree in early childhoof back in May of 2016. Currently I am working to obtain my bachelors degree in cognitive studies. I am about 19 credits away from graduating. I have worked with children for 20 years. I began in the infant room and served all ages. I was an after coordinator for many years but have found myself back in childcare preparing 4 year olds for kindergarten.My hobbies include baking, cooking,, and reading. My interest are singing on the prsise and worship ministry at my church, and serving in the church anyway the Lord desires. I learn visually and hands on because i find that i get a better understanding of the material being presented. Once i do it i learn it and at that point i am able to teach it to someone else.

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