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HA405-1: Examine foundational ethical concepts in healthcare.

HA405-1: Examine foundational ethical concepts in healthcare.


In this Assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of a theorist who has significantly contributed to the field of ethics in healthcare. This will be accomplished by developing either an illustrative graphic or recording an audio or video on your selected theorist. More than writing a bibliography on someone, you will demonstrate how their ideologies have contributed to the development of ethics in healthcare. Likewise, you will explore how your selected theorists’ contributions may impact the future of ethics in healthcare.

Your submission must include:

  • A brief overview of your selected theorist.
  • Details of their theory.
  • Significant contributions to the field of healthcare.
  • The application of how your selected theory/theorist may contribute to current ethical dilemmas in healthcare. Give at least one example.
  • At least three credible and scholarly references to support your assertions. Submit your Assignment in one of the methods below:
  • One-page illustration (using Publisher, Infographic, jpeg, one PowerPoint slide, etc.)
    • Submit the document to the Dropbox along with your references you used to support your illustration.
  • A 5–7 minute audio recording (e.g., Vocaroo)
    • Submit recording link in the text area in the Dropbox along with your references you used to support your audio presentation.  Upload the file if saved to your computer.
  • A 5–7 minute video recording (e.g., YouTube)
    • Submit recording link in the text area in the Dropbox along with your references you used to support your video presentation. Upload the file if saved to your computer.
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************* **** ********** ***************** Name **************************************************** ethics also known ** ************* ******* ****** *** *********** ** ****** *********** ******** Kant *********** ******* ********** *********** three classic ***** theories ** ***** ** *** considered virtue ****** and **************** ******* ****** proposed ** ***** on ******* ******* ****** ** ********** ******* ******* ************ ****** *** *** *** ********** to ******* staff *** ********** ******** *********** ************ between ********** and ******** ****** Deontology ** ********** ** ****** ** **** ***** ******** of ****** define through the ****** of the ****** ** ******* medical ********** *** unacceptable ************ ** its ************ Axinn ****** *** ******* **** ********** theory focus ** *** **** of ********** ********* ** *** time ** ******* *** ******* ********* significant ******* for society *** ******* ******** doctor-patient *********** ** ************ ** ****** **** ****** ******* ******* ****** or medical ***** **** ensure to provide effective ******* ********** ** individual ******** ** *** their ***** **** ****** also ******* ******** practices *** ********** *** ******* staff *** ******* *** effective medical treatments ******* **** ********* helps ** ***** clinical into good patients **** *** ********** *** ************** bond The ************* *********** ******** and other ******* staffs) apply *********** ******* approach ** ****** ********** services *** ********** professionals *** through this *********** ********** ****** ******* to consider adequate ********* ****** money *** **** in ***** ** ******* the **** possible medical **** ******* *** ********* society *** their **** healthcare ******* **** ****** ********** theory ********* ********* ***** where ************ ******* **** and ******* high ******* ********* ***** ************************** *** **** show ****** flaw and ***** mistake **** ****** ** ********** ** each **** of ******* **** *** doesn't determine through *** ****** moral **** and *** ******** ** single **** ** ******* **** ***** ******** *********** **** ****** *** **** *** unique ************ ** ***** Rights ** 1948in which ** *********** ** ***** ****** *** ****** ** more **** ** ******* and favored ** **** ***** healthcareinstitutionsaround *** ************ it allows *********** *** ********** **** patients **** **** ******** ** ********* *** ******* staff *** ******* *** human ****** the ***** ********* ******** Kant ******* theorist has ********** *** role ** ****** ** achieve the ******* ********* ********* **** ** ******* **************** *********** *** *********** of ***** *** ******** ******** **** *** Parasitol **** ******** ******** ******** few *************** ********* ***** ***** ******** ***** oral ***** vaccination ********* **** *** ******* deontological theory ***** *** ******* against ********** *********** ***** it **** ******** exceptional ***** ** well ******* **** ******************** **** ****** *** ******* ********* polio ******** *** ********************** must consider the patients ******* as per individual ************ ********* Trop ******** 2016)           ReferencesAxinn ****** and ******* **** ****** ******** *** ********** Readings ** Contemporary ******* ****** ********** **** ***** ISBN 9780791437438Hill ****** ****** *** Blackwell ***** to ****** Ethics **** Wiley & **** **** ********************** **** ******** ***** *********** and ************* ****** ** ******** **** ********************** PMCID: ****************

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