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Hamartia Part 1: HubrisThis is part one of a three-part assignment asking you to reflect on different elements of your hamartia and hubris, Classical Greek concepts we'll beat to death all semester.

Hamartia Part 1: Hubris

This is part one of a three-part assignment asking you to reflect on different elements of your hamartia and hubris, Classical Greek concepts we'll beat to death all semester.  Each section will consist of a brief (2-3 page) essay ( MLA format and style, stapled, submit as a hard-copy in class) reflecting on how you have inherited elements of your character and connecting this reflection to relevant reading assignments.  

Part 1: Hubris: a reflection on the relationship between your greatest strengths constituting your greatest potential weakness.

Reflecting on your first month (s) as a college student , discuss one or two of your greatest strengths that either have also proven to be or potentially could be destructive if not kept in check and moderated. Describe the strength, give evidence that it is a central part of what drives you, how it could also undo you, and then discuss in concrete ways how you will keep it in check: what types of behaviors or experiences should you practice to ensure that the strength does not become destructive? For this assignment, make sure you focus on your experience here in past month or so as a college student.

Hamartia Part 2: Educated

This is part two of an assignment asking you to reflect on different elements of your hamartia, a Greek concept we'll beat to death all semester.  Each section will consist of a brief (2-3 page) essay ( MLA format and style, stapled). reflecting on how you have inherited elements of your character and connecting this reflection to relevant reading assignments.  

Part 2: Hamartia and Education/Educated: a reflection on Tara Westover's memoir, Educated.

Choose ONE of the cues from below and write a 2-3 page response. Include at least 3 cited quotes from Educated (one from near the beginning, one from near the middle, and one from near the end).

Possible questions:

a) Aside from, in addition to, helping you with occupational skills, what is the purpose of your education here at the University of Idaho. Perhaps answer it this way: who, not what, do you want to become by the time you graduate? What do you need to do to become this person?  That is, what skills must you strengthen and weaknesses address, and what experiences and activities will help you do this?

b) What are the limits of love when it comes to family relationships? And/or:  How does one know when to work harder on a relationship vs. simply getting the hell out?

c) How do we know that our version of truth is...uh, well, true...when those closest to us believe it to be false? In other words, describe how people can distinguish factual truths from mere subjective impressions and beliefs.

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*********** ***************** ************************ *************** is *** of *** virtues **** lead ** ** destruction ** *** ****** ********** ** *** ********* ** ******* **** * *** of rules; ******* it ** a state of *** **** Positive ******** ******** ******** ******** *********** knowledge *** socialization to ***** ****** are ****** **** ** ******** *** ********** ****** ********** ** our ******* that ***** from *** acceptance ** *** **** and **** ** **** ** *** ******* to ******* ** *** ******* Confidence helps ** ** ******* ** *** ****** ** ****** and *********** towards *** ****** ******* ********** ** ** ********* that **** of ** **** like ** ******* ** **** different **** ** how ** improve *** confidence ****** *** *** of improving confidence ** ** **** ** **** **** ********* ** our ********* *** ********* **** *** ***** to **** ***** ******** **** played a ******* ******* *********** confidence ****** in *** *************** ** ********** is ********* as people **** 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** ***** **** *** ********** received **** *** approval of ***** ****** and ** **** along with the ******* and ************ of *** ***** *** ******* of ***** *** a ******* role to play ** enhance *** ******* of ************ ** *** students ***** ****** us ********* ***** *** future careers (Academy *** ** We **** **** and **** **** **** ** ******* success ** ******** ** **** ********** **** ***** us feel more ******* **** ****** in the **** ***** ******* ********* ** ****** ***** can ** ********* ** * way to ** For ******** pride *** **** ** cheating ******** *** *********** to have an ********* **** ****** **** can **** to *** **************** ** ********* candidates ** *** ********** fields ** specialization ***** *** lead ** ******* effects ** *** *********** **** *** be * ****** ** ********* ******* not meant for you *** ******** ***** is *** cause of ******** ** **** **** ****** ** *** ********* Pride has led to the neglect ** ********* ********** ** *** ***** ***** *** ** *** ******* *** ***** Nowadays ***** ********* feel ***** *** ******** as compared ** ***** ***** ** *** United States This *** *** to *** disqualification ** better ********** ** *** *** market who *** **** ********** *** ******* has acted as * ******** **** ** ******* the pride ** *** people due ** **** ***** ****** *** ******** **************** ******** ******** **** in * ****** ************ ** * ********* way We have a ********* ****** ** **** we exhibit ** *** families Tara **** ******* *** ********** love since ********* *** ****** *** a survivalist *************** agent ** *** **** ** **** ** *** our **** ** they *** fatally ******* *** **** can ** ****** ******* ********** *** father’s ********* incident **** *** with **** ********** ********* *** ******** **** **** ******* ************ **** ****** **** *** felt ****** ****** **** *** ****** ***** **** and he can ** ****** ******* on *** *** **** ********* ****** *** ***** ** ************ ****** ** *** *** raised *** ******** ***** Despite the difficulties she *** while ******* *** ******** *** ** ****** with the ******** condition ** *** ******* Tara *********** ********** and ****** ********* due ** the lack ** fathers **** ******* **** *** critical ********* ** ************ ****** ***** to the ***** ** *** family ******* ** ****** a ****** reunion ****** **** **** **** ******* more painful **** *** ******* ****** *** college ** ***** *** brother ********** her to ** the **** **** ********** pain our ***** on **** **** ** ********* ** have ** **** **** has a ******* decision ** make as ******* her father ** going to ***** However ********* ** ** ********* **** *** **** *** ****** ***** **** ****** *** ********** love and ******** *** *** ********* stability Her ******* failed ** deliver *** **** ** *** ** the ***** of ** **** For instance *** ** * ***** ***** *** ***** ******** ******** ** **** *** future goals Conversely *** ** *** *** *** *** ** look after her ****** *** condition due ** ** ******************** ******** ********** ***** ******* *** ***** ***** ************* Tara *** * ******* ****** which her ******* *** not appreciate Her ****** ***** *** ** follow *** brother ******* of ***** to ******* She *** * ************ ***** *** did *** house chores ** *** mother was * ******* *** ******* *********** allow her ** **** ** *** ***** ************ She *** a ******* *** singing ***** might ** *** inborn talent *** ********* ****** of *** ****** **** **** *** ***** her **** for *** family ******** **** ** ***** ** ***** ****** *** were ******* his faith Being a ******* **** not **** ** ********** ***** ***** Westover ***** her ******** ** ****** ***** ***** **** at the ******* **** ** evident **** **** **** * ***** ** *** ** ********* ******* This **** *** ** **** **** for her ****** This ** ******* ** *** ******** *** *** experienced ***** childhood to *** ******* life For ******* *** parents did not ***** *** to ****** her **** ******* **** ******** *** **** ***** of joining *** ***** industry ** ** my ****** **** parents **** to ***** ***** ******** ** ** *** the ***** **** **** in **** *** ******* *** act ** ******** to ***** ******** ******* They should ** ** * ******** to **** their ******** **** *** give ****** ******** ******* ** *** ********* **** make ** **** *** ******** have * ****** of ******** **** may **** ** ******* in ***** *** vary **** ***** of the parents ********** ** ******* ******* **** ******* ******** ********* ** ***** ***************** ************ US "When Pride **** ****** The ***** Journal 2018 http://thesportjournalorg/article/when-pride-goes-wrong/ ******** * *** *********** ******** *** ****** C ***** "Only ****** ********* *** ****** ** ******** In ********* *********** The ********** Quarterly *** ** no 3 **** ** ******* ******** ** *************************** ******** * *** ********** Lisa * The ****** ******** ** ********** *** ************ Oxford ********** Press **** p ***

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