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HAMLET ESSAY TOPICS 1) Conflict is essential to drama. Show that Hamlet presents both an outward and inward conflict. 2) How do Hamlet's seven soliloquies reveal his character? 3) Is Hamlet primar

You have to choose a topic and write essay on it from format available. For this you should have read hamlet


1) Conflict is essential to drama. Show that Hamlet presents both an outward and inward conflict.

2) How do Hamlet's seven soliloquies reveal his character?

3) Is Hamlet primarily a tragedy of revenge?

4) Discuss Hamlet's relationship with Gertrude.

5) How important is the general setting of Denmark to the overall play.

6) Of what significance is Ophelia to Hamlet? How truly was Hamlet in love with Ophelia?

7) The character Claudius has been compared to Macbeth. How similar are these two characters? In what ways are they similar?

8) Compare and contrast the characters of Hamlet and Horatio. How alike or unalike are they and why?

9) In Act V, scene 2, Hamlet remarks, "His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy." Explain Hamlet's motivation behind this comment and examine how true is his remark.

10) How important is the Ghost in the triangular relationship of Hamlet, Gertrude, and Claudius?

11) Although Hamlet ultimately rejects it at the end of the play, suicide is an ever-present solution to the problems in the drama. Discuss the play's suggestion of suicide and imagery of death.

12) The central feeling in a great tragedy is one of great waste.

13) Hamlet's madness is "less than madness and more than feigned.

14) Spying and lying in Hamlet are central to the unfolding of the plot.

15) Fathers and sons.

16) Appearance and reality in Hamlet.

17) Reading and misreading in Hamlet.

18) Hamlet and women

 Other Hamlet Essay Topics

1. Hamlet’s delay.

2.   Fathers and Sons

3.   Gertrude

4.   Claudius as effective or ineffective

5. Hamlet as the cause of all problems.

6.   Hamlet as the only one standing against corruption

7. Rot and decay in Denmark

8.   Hamlet and the masses

9.   Ophelia as innocent?

10.  Love - different types - distortion

   11. Sex

11.  Revenge



15. Ignorance/confusion


17.  Conspiracy

18.    Madness


  19.Ghost of Hamlet

Hamlet Essay Outline

Topic Chosen:

Thesis Statement:

 Arguments:Intro Par

First Argument: Topic Sentence:

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Second Argument: Topic Sentence:

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Third Argument: Topic Sentence:

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************* ** ************* *************** ********************* **************** ************** ******* Rot *** ***** in DenmarkThesis ***************** is ** essential ***** ********* ******* *********** uses this component in ****** ** *** ***** to the **** and ******* *** ******************** ********* ** *** **** *** main *********** Hamlet ***** **** internal *** ******** ********* The ******** ********* include ******** ******* with *** ***** *** the throne *** *** ********* **** his mother *** ********** *** ***** *** ******** conflict ** illustrated ** the ********* ******** ** *** ******* ** ************ ** an idealist *** initially thought that *** ****** *** * ****** and ****** **** His ******** ***** *** deeply **** him ** expects *** ****** ** ** grieving *** **** ******* his ****** **** him ******* *** ******** shocks **** she ******* ** **** ******* overcome *** ******* **** *** fallen **** *** ****** *** Queen's ******** ***** ****** *** ****** the King ***** to *** **** can be illustrated ** *** ********* ******* **** *** play ********* **************** *** *** ***** ****** ** the ***** Thou know'st **** ******* *** **** ***** must die ******* nature ** ******** HAMLET-Ay ***** it is ****** ***** GERTRUDE- ** ** ** *** ***** ** ** particular with *********** ****** **** his ****** **** not respect *** sanctity of marriage and ****** *** *** ***** marriage ** *** ***** ******* **** *** did *** ***** love *** **** **** **** ******* * conflict ******* Hamlet *** *** ****** Shakespeare **** **** conflict to *** *** ***** *** the play The conflict invites the **************** ** *** **** ** resolve who is ***** ******* ** idealist Hamlet and * pragmatic *********** ** shocked **** his mother ****** to ***** Claudius ******* he thinks his ***** ** ******** ** ******** **** ******** has ******* in common **** *** ** *** **** King ** does not ********** *** *** ****** ********** *** ******** *** does not hide his ******** for his ***** *********** **** **** ******** ** **** their ******* ****** the Danish ****** Hamlet sees ******* ** *** legitimate **** ** his **** ******** ****** **** ******** ********** ******** ****** and *** ************ his ***** ** marrying *** **** King's **** The ******** and *** ***** **** ** *** **** **** ************ *** ***** ** the ****** *** following ******* illustrates **** ***** CLAUDIUS- ****** *** ** ****** Hamlet *** ** *** * ************** * ****** **** **** *** *** less **** ************* ***** ******** ***** *** ***** court ** **** ** **** mourning *** **** **** During his speech as the ***** ********* **** ** ***** *** ***** court **** ****** *** ********* ***** saddens him; **** time ** ** logical *** focus on *** ********* ****** This **** allow *** to consolidate his ***** ******* However this ******* ******* ******** **** ****** *** ***** ** continue ******** the **** King *********** **** *** struggles ******* *** *** to ****** conflict in *** drama **** ******** ******* *** readers/audience to participate ** the drama *** ******* *** ** *** ******** **** ** the ***** King ******** ** ********* ******** ** *** royal ***** ****** ** **** more ******* ****** the ***** ****** **** *** uncle the **** They *** required to ****** *** ********** activity ** the ***** court ** the King's ***** ****** ******* **** ****** ****** ***** the ***** ********* ******* ** his uncle *** King **** ***** **** *** ****** ** Denmark ***** ****** **** ******** **** ********* *** ********** ** *** **** to *** crown The conflict ******* Claudius *** ****** creates * ***** ***** **** **** more ***** ** *** ****** *** *** ***** ** ******* *** ******* of ******* is ********** ** ** aggressive *** ******** ********* ******* *** ******* ** ****** wanted ** attack *** ***** *** take ********* ** the *** **** by *** **** **** ******* the ****** ***** ****** ** ******* ** ******** ********* instead ** ********* *** *** ****** *********** **** **** ******** ** **** *** infighting ***** *** ****** ***** ****** ********* the ****** ********* and **** of the Danish ******* **** external ******** allows *** **************** ** ****** a large ***** ** *** **** *** ***** * ***** *** ** *** ****

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