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Health Care Law Assignment 1

Assignment 1 (See Assignment Rubric After Questions/Attachment)

Deadline End of Day 8th August

2500 words double spaced exclusive of title page and the list of references.

Find and read the highest court level decision in the Canadian case of McArdle by Supreme Savings Helper”>ESTATE v. Cox, and briefly answer the following questions:

  1. What court levels decided this case, in what jurisdiction, and when? Provide all legal citations.
  2. In no more than 300 words, write a summary of the case. Describe the relevant facts, the legal issues, and the reasons for decision of the highest court level judgment.
  3. Describe and identify the Constitutional or Statutory legal authority for the part of Canadian health care that is under the legal jurisdiction of the federal government.
  4. Describe and identify the Constitutional or Statutory legal authority for the part under the legal jurisdiction of the provincial governments. What legal mechanisms are available if there is disagreement about provincial or federal jurisdiction over a particular issue?
  5. From a regulatory as well as a public policy perspective, what are the differences between an exclusive scope of professional practice and a right to title for health care professionals? Compare and contrast some advantages and disadvantages of each model.
  6. In a claim against a health provider for professional negligence, does the law always protect a health provider who has followed an established standard of practice or are there exceptions? Explain and identify the sources of law to support your explanation.


·         Assignment should be the APA format

·         Assignment should be at least 10 pages and double spaced exclusive of title page and the list of references.

·         Each question should be written n as a mini essay and this involves at least five paragraphs.

·         Address each sub question

·         In the first question in which we are asked to summarize and outline legal issues in the McArdle Estate v. Cox, required to provide in-text legal citations when discuss those legal judgments. Specifically, when outline facts or legal issues it needs to refer to a specific paragraph in which that piece of information was found.

·         Answers should be concise, complete and comprehensive.

·         Proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation

·         Ensure academic integrity and plagiarism

·         Any works from other sources must be cited

·         There should be an end reference list also intext citations for each question wherever needed.

·         Correct URL for the online materials.

·         Intext legal citations for the first question is so important

Ø  While doing the assignments, please ensure the following factors, these are the grading criteria that instructor follows


·         Does the answer demonstrate knowledge of the topic?

·         Is the analysis appropriate in method, scope, and depth?

·         Are ideas or concepts logically connected?

·         Is the answer relevant to the question posed?

·         Does the answer the engage the course material.?


·         In the answer in a style appropriate for good academic communication?

·         Is the flow of ideas logical and easy to follow?

·         Is English usage and spelling correct?

·         Are quotations properly referenced?

·         Do references and bibliographies adhere to APA (and to McGill style for legal citations)

·         Does the answer meet the page limit or word?

·         Does the answer adhere to the standards for academic integrity?

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