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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti, like the hurricane in New Orleans a few years ago, reveals both humanitarian aid and looting and violence.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti, like the hurricane in New Orleans a few years ago, reveals both humanitarian aid and looting and violence. It needs to be at least 1000 words. The aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti has much to do with the prevailing conditions there, before the earthquake. The effectiveness of the relief operations depends upon not only with the organizations involved in relief work, , but also with the adaptability of the people to make the best use of the relief supplies. What are the ground realities in Haiti? Joseph Francis Bentivegna writes, “ Institutional corruption siphons off foreign aid, so the needy are never helped. High export taxes discourage peasants from growing popular crops while politically influential families make huge profits because they are exempt from paying taxes.” (Introduction.

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