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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on A Popular Singer: Bob Dylan. It needs to be at least 1250 words.It is while still maintaining his identity. The era in which am going to place Bob

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on A Popular Singer: Bob Dylan. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

It is while still maintaining his identity. The era in which am going to place Bob Dylan is in the 21st-century music industry in the year 2014. Resetting Dylan in the year 2014, I will be targeting both the younger generation and the old, and in terms of location, the western. The 2014 way of dressing by the artist is completely different to that of Dylan in 1960s. thus the need to redesign his way of dressing.

During the 1960s when Dylan became an icon in the music, television and the radio was not as improved as it is in 2014. The technology used at that time was not advanced as the technology of this time. Therefore, in making sure that Dylan will be famous in the 21st generation of music, marketing of his music is a significant step. Marketing of his music in the year 2014 can be done by use of television and radio stations. It is by making sure that is concerts are advertised through various media. Media plays a significant role in the marketing of different products. The media in the music industry are the primary source of fame for any artist. For Dylan, using media to play his music will be a great strategy to making his music known to all age groups and in the western. Use of online marketing and social media like Facebook and Twitter will be a great place to advertise Dylan’s music. Artists such as Rihanna, Mercy Cyrus, and Three Doors Down have been seen using the social media accounts in updating the audience of their new projects.2 In the 60s, there were no social media networks like Facebook and Twitter that attract quite a large audience.

Branding is another important part of becoming famous that Dylan would consider. In this era, branding is of significant value to an artist, whereby every artist needs his or her brand so that they can successfully exist in this competitive music industry.

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