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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on America's Health Reform. It needs to be at least 1000 words.Download file to see previous pages... The New Health Care Reform Bill will include cov

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on America's Health Reform. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

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The New Health Care Reform Bill will include coverage for uninsured children, and people who are in poverty. This hopefully will make for a much better and healthier society. This new health care system will be beneficial to society and allow consumers more security in their futures. Although the American government has been working to improve the health care system, it still needs more development. There have been many changes from the past up until today. One of the biggest problems is the hospital pricing market. It has become very expensive for lower income people to afford. Many people argue that the health care system we have now works effectively, and that people are satisfied with it. However, I do not think this is true. Consumers, employers, and the government are all demanding lower costs and higher quality from medical services. However, most hospitals retain an increasing profit in their market. The high costs of health care make medical treatment unattainable for poverty stricken people. Based on research, “approximately a thousand hospitals located in the United States closed their doors, and the hospital admissions declined by 11 percent from 1980 to today” Meaning that many hospitals have been deficit, due to the high costs charged to patients. These people did not want to go to the hospital due to unaffordable prices. Therefore, many hospitals in America are not earning a profit. It seems very beneficial to lower their prices, as it will attract more people to buy health care services. This can, in turn, increase their profits. In South Korea, there are many government subsidies to hospitals through tax collection. Its’ subsidy from the government decreases the cost, and increases the demand for health care. Older people, who suffer from poverty, and people with any financial difficulties, can receive medical care. In America, there is a need to change the market price. The current health care systems that are offered to Americans are eating up much of their regular incomes. According to an article released in Los Angeles Times, one of the health services provided to consumers by their employers consumes, “30% of unemployment benefits for individual coverage and almost 84% for family coverage.” It is evident that, although workers are provided with health coverage, it is taking a large toll on their incomes. You might say it is burning a hold in their pockets. This is another reason why the health care system needs to be altered. to better accommodate more Americans. If the health care services system were changed, it would provide a better future for the younger generation. Children deserve to start their lives with a healthy body and mind. All children need access to complete health services, and treatment that provides for them when they are sick. But today, about 11 million children, more than 90 percent of them from working families, have no health insurance. According to an article published in Individual Child Health Insurance, children under the age of 18 are not insured. Their parents earn too much money to qualify for Medicare, but too little to afford any health coverage for their own children. Many of the parents get up every morning, go to work, pay their taxes, and abide by laws that do not provide their children with health insurance. In 1996, 70 percent of all Americans added to the ranks of the uninsured were children.

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