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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Analysis of the Media Industry In India. It needs to be at least 1750 words.The media industry is a strong and well-developed industry which is cur

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Analysis of the Media Industry In India. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

The media industry is a strong and well-developed industry which is currently growing at a high rate. this aspect gives the industry a lot of strength. With the increase in the level of education and media industry has a well educated and skilled workforce with innovative ideas and technology which is an added positive aspect of the industry. The competitiveness of the media industry has enabled the industry to grow technically both vertically and horizontally, which is another positive aspect of the industry. India also offers strategic location and market in terms of its high population which is a boost to the industry. Among the weakness in the industry, a current weakness may be the inability to adhere to ethical standards in the industry which has lead to lawsuits filed against some media industries. The industry also has been slow in its growth only picking up in the recent past, thus its innovation and marketing strategies may be not competitive in the global arena. According to the industry experts, the industry still has room to expand within India as the market is wide. Media services are being sought by many organizations and thus this offers the industry to increase its market share. The high technological innovation which is happening every day also presents a good opportunity for the media industry to utilize the latest technology in expanding its product mix or improving existing ones hence reaching or increasing its market. There is exists new business in the global market for the industry. (Bird, 2003) Threats Though India can be said to be stable political, the country his known for frequent changes in government administration and instability in some regions or states, this issue negatively affects the media and it is a threat to the media. Also, government legislation in India is known to some extent as hindering the growth of the industry, especially for foreign companies. Also, the current threat posed by piracy, which persists to deter investments in all media sectors has continued to threaten the industry growth. (Bird, 2003) PESTEL analysis of the media Industry in India PESTLE stands for political, economic, social/cultural, technological, legal, environmental. A description of developments (known) and rising issues (unknown) which may impact on an industry/sector, Political Over the past year the media industry has continued to witness increased political interest increase because of the recognition of the media industry economic importance to the overall economic growth of the country.&nbsp.

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