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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Anorexia and Bulimia. It needs to be at least 500 words.Anorexia, along with bulimia are constantly co-present, even if at any time, one may be pri

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Anorexia and Bulimia. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Anorexia, along with bulimia are constantly co-present, even if at any time, one may be principal (Romano 21).

The hypothesis of the project states that anorexia and bulimia makes up two parts of similar complicatedness. This is for the reason that they are the predicament epiphenomena, which predates their inception, along with replicating the extent of the demand to the kid’s intellect of the changes within her body, its newfangled strength of feeling and consciousness, of every other transformation within the internal globe, and within the globe of external relationships (Romano 13).

Characteristics of the sample are that they are female, between 16 and 25. These individuals have an issue with how they look and have a fixation with being thin. These fixations come about because they experience some body changes that they did not know of before and are not sure whether they want the changes to take place. They feel left out and different from their peers and the people around them (Romano 14).

The hypothesis is supported by the facts that within both anorexia, as well as within bulimia, the physical attack is on the corporal. however, in a principally claustrophobic situation, the body turns out to be a detention center for the brain while, within agoraphobia, it is the brain which imprisons the physical body. What is instituted, as a result, is a precariously dichotomy of divergence between the corporal element and psychic meaning that it is likely to reduce within examination and by this means re-establish a self-motivated and purposeful unit (Romano 16).

I was interested in the topic of Anorexia and Bulimia because I have always wanted to manage and support people who have a variety of eating diseases. Another reason is that eating diseases are so widespread within the United States America that one or two out of each one hundred scholars

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