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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Graphic Design Industry and the Willingness to Foster Creativity for People with Fine Motor Skills Disability. It needs to be at least 2250 words.I

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Graphic Design Industry and the Willingness to Foster Creativity for People with Fine Motor Skills Disability. It needs to be at least 2250 words.

In the past, the design discipline belief for the traditional graphic design professionals was aligned to serve only able-bodied students and professionals. Evidently, this was due to the belief that all design starts from traditional drawing skills. The teaching strategies of the past were mostly structured in a way that favored physical exertion from a full bodied person while significantly ignorant on the needs of people with disabilities. However, in the contemporary world, there have been increased efforts and innovation to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities.(Needs cited from original paper or from writers notes) In this regard, there have been an increased acceptance and adaption to suit the needs of people with disabilities in different sectors such as education, production, athletics and many more. For example, in the world of athletics, persons with disabilities have been able to compete on an equal footing with other full bodied athletes. A perfect example is the former athletics champion with most medals, Heinz Frei from Sweden. former 200m paralympic champion, Oscar Pistorius, also known as the ‘blade runner’ for his use of prosthetic legs in racing (Edington, &amp. Duffy, 1996). In order for learners to make an impact in the world, it is foremost the prerogative of the educators to teach and guide them in the correct process. In this regard, educators are the foundational block for students affording them the ability to go out and give voice to those who need it. (AIGA &amp. Chap, 2006, p.1) Consequently, it creates a critical issue between education and complementing laws and policies such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

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