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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Immigration Status In Access to Health Care And Insurance Among the Polish Immigrants In the USA. It needs to be at least 1750 words.Download file

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Immigration Status In Access to Health Care And Insurance Among the Polish Immigrants In the USA. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

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The suggested study relates to legal and illegal polish immigrants and their access to health care and insurance services in the United States of America. The study attempts to determine the effects of immigration status (Legal v/s illegal) on the access to health care and related services in America.

This study deals with immigrants, who might not know English, therefore, to ensure reliability of scores obtained, the questionnaire will be provided in their language as well. Similarly, the researcher will have to provide the briefing form and the informed consent forms in Polish language also. Immigration status acts as a barrier to seeking and getting access to health care and insurance facility in the USA. There has been considerable research on the topic and there are theories that support both sides of the case. The literature review has revealed contradictory information on the issue. This study is needed to find out the truth about access to healthcare and insurance available to immigrants in the USA. This study will prove to be very helpful in the field of social services. It will provide an insight into the issues faced by illegal polish immigrants in access to healthcare and will point new directions for further research in the field. This study is personally important to me since it will enhance my research skills. give me more insight into the causes of psychological deprivations among immigrants and will make me more sensitive as a counselor towards the health needs of immigrants.

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