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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on INSTRUMENT REVIEWED IN MMY. It needs to be at least 1000 words.Similarly, studies done using Bern Sex Role inventory has showed a similar trend amo

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on INSTRUMENT REVIEWED IN MMY. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

Similarly, studies done using Bern Sex Role inventory has showed a similar trend among the girls who participated in the study. Further, the results showed a comparative masculinity scores depending on the number of years the participants resided in United States. The participants will help evaluate how gender role identity affects an individual in terms of sense of belonging, devotion to one religion, and exposure to foreign cultural values on one’s life.

The research will use BSRI rating scores. BSRI is acronym for Bem Sex Role Inventory that measures gender roles and masculinity-femininity. BSRI was developed and published in 1974 by Sandra Bem and have evolved to a phenomenal gender role identity tool (Beere, 2008).

The tool evaluates how individual identify themselves psychologically. The efforts came from concerted effort to measure androgyny. Stereotypical feminine and masculine traits were found by conducting a survey among 100 Stanford undergraduates students on which characters were believed to be desirable for either of the sex.

The test is made of 60 varied personality traits which those participating rate themselves on a 7 Likert scale. Traits that constitute part of the scale are evenly dispersed ranging from 20 feminine, 20 masculine and 20 filter traits that are more gender neutral (Bem, 2005). All individual personality traits in BSRI are optimistically valued personality aspects.

Bem Sex Role inventory involves 60 set of questions on feminine and masculine traits. Normative data was obtained from the samples that were done in Stanford University between 1973 and 1978 (Beere, 2008). According to the author, the objective for the test was to assess psychological androgyny and provide empirical evidence to prove the benefits of a shared feminine and masculine personality compared to that of sex-typed classification.

Participants are required to rate themselves on each of the 60 traits using

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