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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Marriage of women in Africa literature. It needs to be at least 1500 words.Download file to see previous pages... In many clans of African communit

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Marriage of women in Africa literature. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

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In many clans of African communities, the family elders advised their sons before they got married and gave them the bride to marry. When the girl to be married was identified then the elders went to ask for a hand of marriage to the girl parent. After the approval from the girl's parents, an engagement ceremony was prepared where many people come to celebrate. All the ceremonies were prepared by the elders from groom’s side (Chifamba, Karago, and Juve, 200).

In many communities of Africa like Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya among others they treated marriage has a very important occasion and they spend a lot of their property to make wedding ceremonies colorful. They had to spend a lot of their time arranging for the wedding day because if the ceremony was presentable then that family was respected by the entire village. Many communities did not allow intermarriage with people from other villages and clans. Marriage was one way to express wealth and power of a community and every clan made sure that they conduct their wedding ceremoniously and with respect (Chifamba, Karago, and Juve, 210). Each community conducted their wedding ceremony according to their tradition. Many communities have differences in their way of doing their wedding but they don’t differ much. The ceremony depended on the social class of the community and family which are marrying. The royal families in Ethiopia conducted their ceremonies many days. The wedding for king and queen was to be conducted at royal palace and every body to attend the wedding ceremony. During the wedding days every body in Ethiopia had to stop working and attend the wedding. The royal priesthood declared these days resting days and they were respected by each person. Other communities in African countries respected royal wedding more than commoners. Each individual had to pay attention to the palace wedding (Chifamba, Karago, and Juve, 340). People from different social classes were not allowed to marry only people from the some class could interact and marry.

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