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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on MK 491 Seminar in Marketing-Report. It needs to be at least 1500 words.Download file to see previous pages... Since then it has literally transform

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on MK 491 Seminar in Marketing-Report. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

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Since then it has literally transformed to a giant firm employing over 10,000 people. Google Inc. is a household name for their search engine service. Google has become so big now that it has almost become a new word in English language. Research Question The Research question posed here is discussion of the product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies adopted by Google Inc. Literature Review Google Inc. is one of the top technology companies in the world. It offers a range of products and services which caters to the needs of the users. This company is present across different domain in the Internet and most of the consumers use their products and services in everyday life. Google hence uses different strategies to market their diverse products and services. Since they offer such diverse set of products and services, they use different market segmentation strategy to reach out to their consumer base. Their positioning strategy has to be prefect so that they live up to consumers demands. Similarly their pricing and distribution strategy has to be developed to make them be on profit terms with other competitors. Analysis and Findings Overall business and marketing strategy of Google For Google their biggest success factor is the search engine which they have created. Google alone earns millions of rupees through advertisements. For Google information gathering is the key to their success. It makes all the products and services in such a way that it caters to all the segments in the market. This makes non-profit and private use by users absolutely free of cost. The founders of Google have a strong liking to education and libraries. The atmosphere of the company is like a university where continuous research and analysis of their product and services are done. They strive continuously for better search methods so that more useful information is available to the consumers through as many means as possible. Hence all the employees are encouraged to create something new and are rewarded for their effort through means like freedom with work hours, free meals, competitive pay etc. It organizes Annual Code Jam international competition which aims at solving the mind racing problems, and the winner is given large amounts of money. This helps them to find bright new employees. Hence Google primary business strategy is the innovation which the innovation in their products and services which they brings in front of the consumers. They have been largely successful at their overall business strategy. Segmentation strategy The segmentation strategy of Google is very diverse. Google has a diverse product line and hence it is present everywhere to cater to a number of users worldwide. For instance Google Search and other products are available to users at over 110 languages and it is still expanding (Anderson, Lazarus, Loftsgaarden and Weiss, 2003). According to a survey conducted in United States it was seen that their Search Engine was popular among users less than 34 years of age. Among them 55% of the users are male. Their users are predominantly technologically adept. Most of the users are business professionals. Again the products like Google plus, Google hangout, Picasa indicate that they are targeting the young peoples who are in their colleges and like to engage in social networking.

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