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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Report for Development of Christian Thought Class. It needs to be at least 1000 words.Download file to see previous pages... Despite the fact that

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Report for Development of Christian Thought Class. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

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Despite the fact that Christianity began as one entity, there has been many break ups and versions. People define several issues that are pertinent to them that make them choose to start their own versions of Christian groupings. More and more Americans are becoming non-religious at a momentous pace, with church attendance being affected. Christianity is on the decline, as a whole, with major conservative denominations losing ground. This trend has been brought about by an ostentatious mix of mass consumerism, advances in both science and technology and the presence of secure prosperity. Christianity, being the most popular and largest religion in the United States, accounts for a rough figure of 60 to 70 percent of the total American population. The different Protestant denominations accounts for a half of the Christian population, while Roman Catholicism accounts for 23 percent of remainder making it the largest individual denomination. This shows the development of Christianity in USA (Reeves, 1996). Liberal Christianity is attributed to the era of Enlightenment, which witnessed the en masse secularization of society. American religious observance is higher than in Europe, with the United States’ cultural leaning being on or towards the Conservative side. This liberalization sought to bring in new approaches that were critical to the Bible. As a terminology, Liberal Christianity covers both ideals and movements within the nineteenth and twentieth Century that impacted significantly on Christianity as a whole. Christian Orthodoxy began to be questioned as new attitudes began to emerge. This liberalization process, coupled with growing wealth creation and a growing corporate-consumer culture, has ensured that the American population has had a comfortable, stable and safe middle-class lifestyle at least to the majority of Americans. This has in turn witnessed a significant lose of organized faith that has consequently resulted to a decline in a majority of the American people’s personal faith (Reeves, 1996). Conservative Christianity, the ‘Right’, had dominated the mainstream American culture up to the advent of world war one. Capital, in its ever increasing search for greater profits, has necessitated the need to converting a majority of the American population. that was then characterized as being pious, prudent churchgoers into materialistic consumers. This thus heralded the advent of “Consumer Christianity”, as Thomas Reeves encapsulated in his book - The Empty Church: The Suicide of Liberal Christianity (Reeves, 1996). The materialistic consumer finds that his/her life is centered on the acquisition of both credit and monies so as to satisfy their earthly/ bodily desires. Most of the laws, previously used to keep Americans conservative and/ or pious, have been either repealed or done away with. The polarization of America’s Christian religion and religious movements has appreciably aided to the rise in church un-attendance resulting from the decline in youthful belief. The secularization process, of the 1960s, brought about a significant increase in the rejection of traditional religion (Reeves, 1996).

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