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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Technological the 19th Century Western Imperialism. It needs to be at least 1500 words.As the paper declares most of the global inhabitants had not

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Technological the 19th Century Western Imperialism. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

As the paper declares most of the global inhabitants had not had a chance to see Europe and Europeans were not part of major conflicts in the world. Nevertheless, transformations in technology were evident in the mid 19th century and this was in various fronts like firepower, communications and medicine. With these, Europe was now in a vantage position to take over control of a big percentage of the world.

According to the essay findings the Western powers needed a sense of superiority and it was highly called for. For instance, ‘the invasion of Egypt in the year 1798 by Napoleon was artistically accounted for. This laid the cornerstone for the current French empire’. Artists, Patrons and the cynics alike came up with ways of painting, sponsoring as well as receiving the accounts in detail, which made rational and even celebrated the intervention in the East courtesy of the French. The role played by imperial armies was made clearer due to the conquest for territory. The success enjoyed by Europe can be attributed to various factors like the major role of Europe we as an innovator of weapons as well as the methods. The urge by most Europeans states in this pursuit of power by way of weapons was led by the less sophisticated South and East of Asian nations’ development of naval power in the sea.

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