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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership. It needs to be at least 750 words.Theorists, academicians, and experts on organiz

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership. It needs to be at least 750 words.

Theorists, academicians, and experts on organizational theory have put forward several ideas on what makes a leader effective, in terms of character, traits, skills, vision, and people-handling skills.

However, real leadership can consist of just a few basic principles which are both quite simple and at the same time, very profound. This seems contradictory at first glance but the truth is real leaders base their leadership position or status on moral authority. It is a simple case of leading by authority and not on fear or coercive power on the followers. A real leader only need to show and exercise a few key traits and key elements of a real leader to make people follow in one direction and achieve whatever is desired. The real leader exercises moral suasion anchored on these basic principles. a focus of this brief paper is to discuss the proven paradigms to show why some people make great leaders and get outstanding results while others fail miserably in their attempts at leadership.

This paper is based on the book by James C. Hunter entitled “The Servant” which had explored the true essence of real leadership. It is the story of a business executive who felt he is a failure in both his personal and professional lives and decided on taking a sabbatical. he ironically discovered the simple truths of real leadership which are based not on power, fear, or coercion but on the gentle art of persuasion, derived from a sense of authority which is deeper and more long-lasting, leaving behind a good legacy.

Anyone who desires to be a good leader has to realize how simple it can be if armed with the right knowledge on what key areas to focus on in their leadership role. This can be quite astonishing or surprising to some people once they know the basic tenets of a good leader had been there all along since time immemorial but often got neglected or not given enough importance.

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