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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Setting Affects Treatment And Management Strategies That Might be Employed In Clinical Practice of Podiatry. It needs to be at least 2250 words

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Setting Affects Treatment And Management Strategies That Might be Employed In Clinical Practice of Podiatry. It needs to be at least 2250 words.

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This essay stresses that government came up with its ambitious agenda with National Service Framework Older People in 2001. The strategies was not just focused on the health or social care, rather it was based on the total well being of the older people. It promoted the independence of the older people by providing them support to compress the morbidity. It promoted the overall well being of older people living in community or home. Each setting like domiciliary, care home, school and community hospital has different features. The domiciliary setting where in the old people will be at their home requires certain specific skills from the professional i.e. follow of ethical standard of work, respecting the privacy of the patient and family.

This paper makes a conclusion that various settings have certain limitations which have impact on the clinical practice of podiatry. These limitations can be based on skill and expertise of professionals to the facilities and resources available within that setting. The podiatry related problems are more prone in the old age group due to their aging body. There are several problems which can be taken care of with initial efforts of individuals. The treatment strategies at the domiciliary level will be simpler than the treatment strategies at the hospital based on the problems. The setting affects treatment and management strategies that might be employed in clinical practice of podiatry.

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