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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Wassily Kandinsky and Surrealism. It needs to be at least 500 words.The paper "Wassily Kandinsky and Surrealism" explores the art of Wassily Kandin

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Wassily Kandinsky and Surrealism. It needs to be at least 500 words.

The paper "Wassily Kandinsky and Surrealism" explores the art of Wassily Kandinsky. Despite his interest in art, he pursued law and economics as suggested by his parents. As a well-educated man, he chose to pursue Art and experiment with his obsession for colors. This paper will discuss how Kandinsky developed a unique style and explored abstract art as well as highlight some of the artists that he influenced. Worth noting is the fact that the painting was a spiritual thing for Kandinsky and he intended to use it to convey different levels of human emotions. He sought to use abstract forms and colors to explore different cultures and physical boundaries. In his view, abstract art was of critical importance in the expression of inner necessity. Kandinsky associated musical sounds with the potential to evoke different emotions in listeners. Therefore, he wanted to develop an art that could trigger similar emotions to his audience. He wanted to develop object-free art that had a spiritual connection and a direct allusion to different emotions. Worth noting is the fact that his ability to create object free paintings with a strong allusion to different human emotions defined his unique style. Kandinsky had his first experience of object-free art in an exhibition that he attended and developed a close in this form of art. Kandinsky worked closely with other artists, who influenced him in different ways. For example, one of his close friends was Paul Klee with whom he shared artistic ideas.

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