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Hello, I have two homework problems that I'm trying to solve can you please help me?

Hello, I have two homework problems that I'm trying to solve can you please help me?Question 1:Last National bank is concerned about the level of service at its single drive-in window. A study if customer arrivals during the windows busy period revealed that on an average, 20 customers arrive every hour, following a Poisson distribution. The customers are given a FCFS service which requires an average of 2 minutes and follows a Poison distribution. Based on the information above, determine,a. Mean arrival rateb. Mean service ratec. Average number of customers waiting in the queueQuestion 2The Greybeard Busing Company is assessing its overbooking policy for the Miami–Fort Myers run. The number of customers who don’t show up after reserving a ticket is uniformly distributed from 1 to 10 (10% chance of 1 no-show, 10% chance of 2, etc.). Tickets cost $25, and if the particular bus run is full, a passenger with a reservation is given passage on a rival bus line, a cost of $60. What should Greybeard’s overbooking policy be?USE BOTH TABULAR AND THE CRITICAL FRACTILE METHOD TO DETERMINE THE OVERBOOKING STRATEGY
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