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Hello, I need help with this Case study for Whole Foods . I need these help answering these questiosn This a graduate level course Global Strategy

Hello, I need help with this Case study for Whole Foods .

I need these help answering these questiosn

This a graduate level course Global Strategy

******I do not need a written paper****

I need 4 bullet points answers for each question. Within each of the 4 bullet points, I three bullet points to support each answer. 

Whole Foods Market: The Deutsche Bank Report 

1. How would you describe Whole Foods' strategy?

2. What do the financial ratios in Exhibit 4 tell you about past performance and how informative are these ratios for the prospect of future performance?

3. Examine Exhibit 7 in detail. How important are each of the underlying financial assumptions in the ROA forecast? What assumptions (i.e., margins, asset turnover, growth) play the biggest role in driving the anticipated improvements in ROA?

4. Do you agree with the existing financial assumptions in the forecast? If so, why? If not, what adjustments would you make to the model? Be prepared to explain and defend your response.

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