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Hello I want to give you one project for basic business statistics for 1800 words for Analysing the visual presentation of an organization's annual report. The evaluation will center on the suitabilit

Hello I want to give you one project for basic business statistics for 1800 words for Analysing the visual presentation of an organization's annual report. The evaluation will center on the suitability of Charts, Tables and/or Graphs used to represent data. The source document of these Charts, Tables and/or Graphs.

Part A (Task 1): Develop Evaluation Criteria

Your evaluation criteria need to be objective, in that they stipulate the rules you would use in establishing whether a Chart, Table or Graph utilised in your selected Report, is appropriate for the data being presented. You need to make sure that each of your criterion is written in such a manner that a reasonable person can readily understand, or appreciate, the message being conveyed. You are expected to address approximately 20 criteria.

You should also group your criteria by visualisation type. For example, you might choose “Common”, “Chart”, “Table” and “Graph”, or some other suitable grouping. You are not restricted to these specific headings. It’s also important that you number each separate criterion as you will need to refer to its specific number when undertaking Task 2.

An example of an appropriate criterion:

Line Charts should be used when analysing trends over time. To be effective, the time series should be placed on the x-axis with the measure on the y-axis.

An example of an unacceptable criterion:

Line Charts should have nice colours.

This last example fails on two counts: it has an inadequate description (or explanation); and, it is subjective (i.e. the authors opinion) – your criteria need to be objective.

Part B (Task 2): Report Evaluation

Select 10 to 12 diverse Charts, Tables or Graphs from your chosen Report (but not including any “Infographics”) and evaluate these visualisations using your criterion developed in Part A. It would not be unusual for an individual visualisation from your report to refer to multiple criteria. Further, any given visualisation you select may conform to some of your criterion but be in contravention of others, and this would need to be reported.

It is expected that each of your criterion would be used at least once when evaluating your chosen Charts, Tables or Graphs.

Note: When evaluating the report, include an image of the Charts, Tables and Graphs you have selected and make sure you associate them back to a specific criterion by using the criterion number you utilised in Part A.

  • Criteria: Qty 20 with 20 to 30 words in each (i.e. 400 to 600 words)
  • Evaluation: Qty 10 with 100 to 120 words in each (i.e. 1200 to 1440 words), or Qty 12 with 100 to 120 words in each (i.e. 1500 to 1800 words)
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