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Hello! This assignment is an English Assessment. All answers must be in your own words at all times. The system the assessment is being submitted to is detecting any plagiarism and AI. If it’s detected, my whole course will fail.
1. Explain the functions of a range of word classes:
2. Explain the use of the following grammatical tenses:
You must include at least one common usage for each grammatical tense.
Present simple
Past Simple
Future continuous
3. Describe how to indicate “number” in English grammar. As well as countable plural and singular nouns, don’t forget to mention uncountable nouns, too.
Uncountable nouns are not the same as irregular plural nouns.
4.Describe how to indicate “person” in English grammar. What pronouns do we use what we’re talking about ourselves, someone we’re directly speaking to or people we are talking about. There’s three pronouns and be sure to use examples for each pronoun.
5.Demonstrate your understanding of English syntax:
A. Summarize what is meant by the term “English syntax”
B. Describe the four types of sentence structures
Give a general overview of what English syntax is and what it involves.
Describe the general features of each of the four main sentence types. Remember to explain what they involve. It’s a good idea to include examples but you will need to include an explanation of each sentence type to pass
1.Simple sentences:
2.Compound sentences:
3.Complex sentences:
4. Compound-Complex sentences:
6.Explain the types and features of standard punctuation including: 1.Full Stop (period)
2. Comma:
3. Question mark
4. Semi-colon :
5. Hyphen:
6. Brackets:
Simply explain each standard punctuation in a sentence, how does it affect a sentence and what it is used for. Give a short example for each.
7. Demonstrate your knowledge of “Lexis”
A. Summarize what is meant by the term “lexis”
B. Explain how lexis is grouped. Write a brief overview for each
1. Word class:
2. Formality:
3. Frequency:
4. Topic-related
5. Geographical
C. Analyze what is means to understand a “word” “How they help us understand a word”
1. Connotation:
2. Form:
3. Use:
8. Describe techniques for recycling vocabulary in the classroom. (Post-it notes, category games, Pictionary, or word bags) Give each at least 30-50 words
Technique 1 name:
Technique 1 explanation
Technique 2 name:
Technique 2 explanation:
9. Analyze the importance of concept checks. Make sure to give a good, in-depth analysis of what CCQs are, their function, how to do them successfully, and of course, make sure to clearly show the importance of using them in class with your learners.
10. Describe what is meant by the following terms:
Simply describe what each of the terms mean, how they are used and add an example of each for a perfect answer.
a. Collocations
b. Lexical sets
c. Word association
d. Scale
11. Explain the difference between cognates and false cognates.
False cognates:
Give a brief overview of what each of them mean before discussing what the difference is between them. It would be a good idea to use a few examples to highlight your point as well as these are important in the overall explanation.
12. Evaluate a range of materials and tools available for teaching vocabulary.
Tool 1:
Tool 2:
Tool 3:
discussion on the following tools for teaching vocabulary:
Interactive Whiteboards (IWB's) & Projectors
Mind maps
Mime and gesture
To pass this question successfully, it is recommended that you choose 3 tools from the list above and do the following:
Name what they are
Explain how they work or their main features
(Most importantly) EVALUATE
What does “evaluate” mean? - This is where we look at a topic, idea, product or in this case, a tool for teaching vocabulary, and we critique it by stating what it’s good for/ its benefits, and what it’s not so good for/ its drawbacks. It’s really important that your opinion is in this question as this is what a question with the command verb “evaluate” is looking for.
13. Demonstrate your knowledge of the importance of graded language in the classroom.
a. Explain what is meant by the term "graded language"
b. Describe graded language that should be used to teach learners at various levels
c. Summarize the benefits of using graded language
Note: Your answer must cover all of the points mentioned.
a. "Graded language":
Description of graded language in the classroom:
i) Elementary level:
ii) Intermediate level:
iii) Advanced level:
c. The benefits of using graded language:
This question has three points to cover and it is very important that all three are done so comprehensively. See below for advice on each:
Simply explain what the term “graded language” means - what is it?
In your answer template we offer you the levels elementary, intermediate and advanced. You need to either explain how language should be graded and given to classes at those levels, or write the EXACT speech that a teacher would give to a group of learners in the classroom. This means using speech marks “...” and writing the exact words that the teacher would say to be understandable to each level. Make sure that the elementary language is simple and uses simple grammar, the intermediate a little harder but not too difficult, and the advanced should be “normal” language that you would use with a native speaker. It’s important to note that not all language for advanced level should be ‘advanced’ (it would be weird to use the most complex grammar and vocabulary for everything), but just make sure that advanced level examples are noticeably more difficult in terms of its complexity than intermediate, and that intermediate level language is more complex than elementary.
Top tip: Consider using the same topic over three levels to better highlight the differences in language.
**Additional Note: One of the best and easiest ways for a teacher to increase the complexity of language when grading language for different levels is to introduce different grammar tenses (For example for beginner learners using the present simple tense and for advanced learners using the future perfect tense) as sometimes more complicated vocabulary sounds unnatural.
Try to think of two or three benefits of using graded language in the classroom, and also consider thinking about what might happen if you didn’t grade your language to a particular group of learners.
14. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of common teaching methodologies.
The Communicative Approach
The focus of this question is to compare the strengths and weaknesses of various teaching methodologies. You don’t need to compare them with each other, you only need to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each individual method. In the response template, we have included the deductive, inductive, and communicative approach as these are the most commonly used methodologies. Make sure to label them clearly so that it’s very obvious where the strengths and weaknesses are for each one. You are welcome to choose different methodologies if you wish, but try to aim for a minimum of three.
15. Demonstrate your understanding of learners' needs:
a. Identify and explain the three most common types of learner
b. Describe how to determine the needs of learners
c. Explain the potential difficulties of determining learners' needs in the online environment
d. Explain how to match learners' needs to appropriate teaching techniques and activities
Note: Your answer must cover all of the points mentioned.
Learner type 1:
Learner type 2:
Learner type 3:
b. How to determine the needs of learners:
c. The potential difficulties of determining learners' needs in the online environment:
d. Activities and techniques for different types of learners:
i) Visual learners activity:
Explanation of activity:
ii) Auditory learners activity:
Explanation of activity:
iii) Kinaesthetic learners activity:
Explanation of activity:
This question has two command verbs: 1) “identify”, 2) “explain.” That means you have to identify 3 types of learners, and then explain what each type is and what the characteristics for that type of learner are.
Here, you need to think about how you can find out what the needs of your students are. How can you do that efficiently? It’s not a great idea to ask them what level they are or what their favourite teaching style is, so how could a teacher find this information out from a group of learners?
In this section, you need to explain some difficulties of determining learners’ needs in the online classroom. Think about the nature of online classes and how this might make it more difficult to find out why your learners are learning English.
Finally, you need to comment on how you would match teaching techniques or activities in the classroom to learners’ needs once you discovered what they were. For example, what activities would you do if you found out many of your students were visual learners? What if they all had a huge passion for sports? What if they had very rarely practised writing skills before but now need to pass an exam? What activities or teaching techniques would you use and why? Think of three ‘learner needs’ and write teaching techniques or activities that would suit them in the classroom. Don’t forget to explain about the teaching techniques or activities that you’ve chosen - simply naming them won’t be enough to pass here.
16. Demonstrate your knowledge of the PPP method:
a. Analyze the presentation, practice, and production (PPP) teaching methodology
b. Produce an example of presentation, practice, and production (PPP) lesson planning
c. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of using the PPP method when planning and delivering lessons.
d. Explain why it's important to have normal patterns of speech during the presentation stage of a lesson
Note: Your answer must cover all of the points mentioned.
a. Analysis: The PPP Method:
b. PPP lesson planning examples:
i) Presentation stage activity example:
ii) Practice stage activity example:
iii) Production stage activity example:
c. Evaluation: Strengths and weaknesses of using the PPP method:
i) Strengths:
ii) Weaknesses:
d. The importance of normal patterns of speech during the presentation of grammar:
This is a big question! But no need to worry, all you need to do is to split it down into sections and it’s extremely manageable:
The first part requires that you simply explain about PPP - What does it mean? What do the “Ps” stand for? What does each stage involve? What are the typical timings and interaction patterns? Pay attention to the command verb “analyze” - this means that you need to look at the structure of a PPP lesson and think about WHY it is that way. Why is the structure organized in the way it is? How does that help learners? What would happen if it were structured differently? Why is this an effective method?
Next, you need to give an example activity for each of the PPP stages. You only need to give one activity example at each stage, but just make sure that it’s a suitable activity.
For this part, you need to think about the strengths and weaknesses of the PPP method in general. It’s similar to part b, but you need to make sure that there’s plenty of pros and cons of the method: who might really benefit from this method? (top tip: think about both students and teachers). Who might not use it or find it effective?
Lastly, think about why it is important to speak in a normal tone of voice and at a normal pace when presenting grammar. What might happen if you don’t?
17. Demonstrate your understanding of mistakes and errors:
a. Describe the differences between mistakes and errors
b. Describe the following types of errors:
i) Structural
ii) Phonological
iiI) Lexical Errors
Note: Your answer must cover all of the points mentioned.
a. The differences between mistakes and errors:
b. Types of errors:
i) Structural:
ii) Phonological:
iiI) Lexical errors:
You need to discuss what the difference is between a “mistake” and an ‘error
Next, provide an explanation for each of the three types of error mentioned. You don’t need to go into too much detail, just a brief couple of sentences about what each type of error is will be great. For a perfect answer, try and put some examples in to illustrate your point.
18. Look at the following errors and suggest a correction technique that would work best for correcting them in the classroom:
a. Who you are going with to the cinema? - Error: Structural error (word order)
b. It is very 'ot today. - Error: Phonological error (L1 interference - French)
c. I have to make a photo of this beach, it's beautiful. - Lexical error (verb collocation)
a. Who you are going with to the cinema? - Error: Structural error (word order)
Correction technique:
b. It is very 'ot today. - Error: Phonological error (L1 interference - French)
Correction technique:
c. I have to make a photo of this beach, it's beautiful. - Lexical error (Verb collocation)
Correction technique:
This question requires you to have a look at some errors and think about how you would actually correct them during a class using a valid error correction technique. Write (separately) which correction techniques you would use for each error. It is important that you suggest a correction technique for each error. You don’t need to correct the sentence itself.
Note! Each error is different so do not use one correction technique for all of them.
3 different errors = 3 different correction techniques!
19. Please record any references of outside resources that you used to help you answer the questions in modules 1-3.
A minimum of 1 reference is required to pass the assessment. If you did not use a reference to answer any questions in the assessment, you will need to go back and find a suitable one, otherwise, this question will not be passed. All references must be external, so any references to our course materials will not be counted.
The minimum information we require for a reference is:
Web references: Please type the source of your information found online.
Book references: The Author, title & date of publication.