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Hello, This is an assignment for my statistics class. There is a prompt and given data sheets. There is not much calculating (because that data is given), but more describing what is asked in the prom


This is an assignment for my statistics class. There is a prompt and given data sheets. There is not much calculating (because that data is given), but more describing what is asked in the prompt.

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*** *** mean and ****** *** section * ** equal ******* **** the distribution is symmetric and *** **** skewness *** means for ******* * ** ******* that *** median ******* the scores are positively ****** ******* * ** more consistent ** *** **** ** ****** ************* ******* * **** ****** * high *********** of ******* * higher ******* score on *** final exam **** ******* * ******* **** ****** * **** ******* ***** ** the ********** *** ******* * *** * student **** * score ** ** ***** ** 229 ******** deviations below *** **** ******* * *** * student **** * score ** 94 ***** is *** ******** deviations ***** *** ********* *********** 5 *** a greater **** ** ***** ******* ****** *** to *** high ******* ***** ** ** ******** deviation above *** **** ******** to *********** ** ***** * score ** 097B) The probability **** ******* will score higher **** ***** **** 36 is ***** ** *** **** *** 1357% ** the **** This ** ***** ******* *** ******* is below 196 *** *********** ** ******* * ***** ****** **** *** ** the *** ** ***** on *** **** and **** on the **** This ** ***** ******* the Z-score is below ***** There ** * *********** of ***** *** ******* ** score less **** 23 on *** **** **** is not ******* ***** ** * possibility ** ***** *** ******* ** ***** less **** 104 ** *** *** This ** ************ *** ***** ** not * *********** ***** as *** outcome ****** ** more **** ***** *** table ** *** * *********** model ** *** ******* ****** ** negativeC) *** ***** ** * *********** model ** *** ***** ******** ******** is ***** ** ***** *** ***** ** *** * probability ***** ** it ******* that orange ** *** **** possible ********** *** table ** * *********** ***** ** *** ***** ******** ******** ** ***** ** ***** The *********** ** **** **** ***** **** ***** ** * **** chance for * ******** ** *** ****** *** ********** *** *********** ** *** **** ***** **** *** possibility of ******* * **** ***** do-si-dos ** tagalongs ** ***** *** *********** that *** next *** **** **** *** ** * ****** ** 072 The **** ****** ** purchase * ******* there ** * 72% ****** of not buying * *********** Mean of *** *** standard ********* ** *** *** ** *** ******* ***** about probability is that chance ******** *** * ******* *** ************* pattern in the ***** *** but *** * *********** ******* in *** **** **** Roughly **** of *** total **** ***** *** ****** curve is ****** three ******** ********** ** the ************

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